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  • Posts: 490
PLEASE HELP wfp systems
« on: July 18, 2010, 10:10:13 pm »
Hello all, ive been cleaning domestic windows traditionally 4 years now, eg. using ramsey points & unger washer & good blades + microfibre finishing with frames & sills cleaned. Now due 2, 2 bad falls over as many years (currently writing this with a shatterd ankle) ive ve now decided (reluctantly) its time 2 move on 2 a wps. But due 2 my customer base being used 2 me doing a high standard of work, i never wanted 2 switch because ive allways thought you can do a better standard of cleaning "being on the glass". Im really concerned about the end results with these wps though? I live in a flat so i would need a ro sys (being in the south east) that would convert water fast ( on the the van type ) , I was thinking of a 650l tank that could be filled in about 1hr? would this be enough 4 two operators 4 a day?  Whats the smallest van would all fit in? Whats a good company 2 use (pure freedom?) plus what brushes and poles??? PLEASE HELP my heads spinning!

Re: PLEASE HELP wfp systems
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2010, 10:15:16 pm »
ur best bet is to speak to dazmond i think he has the set up u r after


Re: PLEASE HELP wfp systems
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2010, 10:16:43 pm »
dont get a superlite brush
dont get a trolley
get a backpack as back up but go for a diy system doesnt have to be expensive.
pole i recommend a clx 27 great pole and great price,if your good at traditional wouldnt you try traditional poles with a squeegee and applicator?


  • Posts: 24041
Re: PLEASE HELP wfp systems
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2010, 10:18:31 pm »
sorry to here about your fall mac.if you do your research on here youll find all you need to know.i converted nearly all my round to wfp 5 weeks ago with minimal problems.

you have to ask yourself how come all these window cleaners use wfp?BECAUSE IT WORKS ON 90% OF WINDOWS!!

go for it mate and good luck with your can always start wfp tops and trad bottoms until you get used to it.

first cleans are a pain in the arse but second cleans are coming up much better overall and third cleans should be even better!!

keep asking questions and reading backposts

best wishes

price higher/work harder!


Re: PLEASE HELP wfp systems
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2010, 10:18:50 pm »
trolleys are more hassle than there worth,lugging it around everywhere is a ball ache m8,lugging your 25 litre bottles are very tedious.
dont waste time or money go for a van system.

mci services

Re: PLEASE HELP wfp systems
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2010, 10:29:55 pm »
clee thats just your opinion mate because you are fairly new to w/c and i am guessing you dont have a really compact round. If this guy does a trolley may be perfect for him. All systems have there pros and cons, Dazmond spent what seemed like years researching his best method and came to a decision based on various answers


Re: PLEASE HELP wfp systems
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2010, 10:57:02 pm »
nothing to do with having a compact round m8,its to looking after yourself wasting time getting bottles out etc.filling bottles all tedious.
worst mistake i made was getting a trolley,£900 on a bit of metal when i could have had a full proper system for that.
as they say you learn from your mistakes,i know i have!
clee thats just your opinion mate because you are fairly new to w/c and i am guessing you dont have a really compact round. If this guy does a trolley may be perfect for him. All systems have there pros and cons, Dazmond spent what seemed like years researching his best method and came to a decision based on various answers


  • Posts: 24041
Re: PLEASE HELP wfp systems
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2010, 11:07:48 pm »
yep!50L TROLLEY does me fine.30m of extension hose i dont have to move the trolley as often.less of a trip hazard and im not tied to the van all day!!

i also leave it in the van as a mini van mount for the odd stand alone job.

most of the time i take trolley out in the morning and put it back in the van at the end of the day my round is that compact!! ;) ;D

some time is spent changing barrels but weighing it up with 100m of hose and the extra risk of trip hazard/getting stuck on car tyres/wheelie bins/bad access then its fine for me for now!

also in winter my system will be nice and warm in the flat so no risk of freezing and damaging pumps etc overnight.

i can  unload everything out of the van if i need to use the van for anything else(taking stuff down to the tip or going to ikea!!) ;) ;D ;D

a lot of advantages for me with a trolley.

price higher/work harder!

mci services

Re: PLEASE HELP wfp systems
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2010, 11:09:52 pm »
clee i have a van mount and love it but on my compact terraced work the trolley gets used as pulling hoses is just a mare, I don't use 25l containers as they are a pain as well. All I am saying is there are lots of different methods that suit different rounds. I started with a trolley and hated it as you do but i was moving the van cleaning 1 or 2 houses then same again and in this scenario I would agree with you the trolley is useless, But the guy asking for advice has been cleaning for years and may have a completely different round to yours.

no offence mate just an observation


  • Posts: 24041
Re: PLEASE HELP wfp systems
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2010, 11:10:02 pm »
i guess you dont like the trolleys then clee?? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ha!ha!
price higher/work harder!


Re: PLEASE HELP wfp systems
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2010, 11:13:34 pm »
not much pal
i agree it has an advantage like in winter you can put it next to the radiator etc
i just dont like mine ,maybe it is me,maybe my round is carp but im trying to build it up and make it more compact,i think they are good to have as you never know when it might be needed!

i guess you dont like the trolleys then clee?? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ha!ha!

Gav Camm lammy 283

  • Posts: 7520
Re: PLEASE HELP wfp systems
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2010, 01:41:06 am »
not much pal
i agree it has an advantage like in winter you can put it next to the radiator etc
i just dont like mine ,maybe it is me,maybe my round is carp but im trying to build it up and make it more compact,i think they are good to have as you never know when it might be needed!

i guess you dont like the trolleys then clee?? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ha!ha!
clee if u hate it il take it free ov charge will do sum jobs easy like got van mount but i'm greedy jus tell me when n where lol ;D

 it would be C.C.C  Probably the best WINDOW CLEANERS IN THE WORLD ..........."


  • Posts: 319
Re: PLEASE HELP wfp systems
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2010, 06:48:52 am »
Mac,  I'l be selling pure water as of next month if this helps, im in chertsey surrey.

Paul Coleman

Re: PLEASE HELP wfp systems
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2010, 07:19:26 am »
Hello all, ive been cleaning domestic windows traditionally 4 years now, eg. using ramsey points & unger washer & good blades + microfibre finishing with frames & sills cleaned. Now due 2, 2 bad falls over as many years (currently writing this with a shatterd ankle) ive ve now decided (reluctantly) its time 2 move on 2 a wps. But due 2 my customer base being used 2 me doing a high standard of work  i never wanted 2 switch because ive allways thouht you can do a better standard of cleaning "being on the glass". Im really concerned about the end results with these wps though? I live in a flat so i would need a ro sys (being in the south east) that would convert water fast ( on the van type) Im thinking off using 2 torlley fed systems and maybe a backpack off a small van with 25l carrriers?. I would very much appreciate any advice on a good sys, + brushes & poles as i understand these r v important. THANKS ALL

Like some others have said (and some not  ;D ) my preference is van mount and backpack for the odd awkward bits.  Much less strain on the back (the backpack is carried with a carry handle).  Much does depend on your work type though.
I'm in the Crawley area.  If you are fairly local you're always welcome to come along and see how things happen with me.
I have a derelict trolley that I've not used for some years now.


  • Posts: 669
Re: PLEASE HELP wfp systems
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2010, 08:22:04 am »

you have to ask yourself how come all these window cleaners use wfp?BECAUSE IT WORKS ON 90% OF WINDOWS!!


90%  ;D some of us get it right on 100%  ;)


  • Posts: 490
Re: PLEASE HELP wfp systems
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2010, 03:23:58 pm »
Mac,  I'l be selling pure water as of next month if this helps, im in chertsey surrey.
thanks all the same mate but im in herts


  • Posts: 490
Re: PLEASE HELP wfp systems
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2010, 03:45:18 pm »
thanks all - dazmond is it possible to speak to u over the phone? as im not used to this site

Richard Neal

  • Posts: 1737
Re: PLEASE HELP wfp systems
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2010, 11:33:01 am »
i have a trolley system but rarely have to take it out as i can set it up as a van system with my 100m hose, works for me and if the van ever dies on me i can chuck it in the car or hire van
Im not scared of heights, just falling from them.

Glen Bullivant

  • Posts: 68
Re: PLEASE HELP wfp systems
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2010, 05:09:30 pm »
I wouldn't go for backpack unless your really strapped for cash, i reckon i could clean twice as much as i do now with a van mount. the time it takes filling up, moving the backpack between windows (not very comfortable and too heavy for your back when full) makes it no quicker than going up and down the ladders i would guess.


  • Posts: 490
Re: PLEASE HELP wfp systems
« Reply #19 on: July 22, 2010, 01:22:50 pm »
Hello all, ive been cleaning domestic windows traditionally 4 years now, eg. using ramsey points & unger washer & good blades + microfibre finishing with frames & sills cleaned. Now due 2, 2 bad falls over as many years (currently writing this with a shatterd ankle) ive ve now decided (reluctantly) its time 2 move on 2 a wps. But due 2 my customer base being used 2 me doing a high standard of work, i never wanted 2 switch because ive allways thought you can do a better standard of cleaning "being on the glass". Im really concerned about the end results with these wps though? I live in a flat so i would need a ro sys (being in the south east) that would convert water fast ( on the the van type ) , I was thinking of a 650l tank that could be filled in about 1hr? would this be enough 4 two operators 4 a day?  Whats the smallest van would all fit in? Whats a good company 2 use (pure freedom?) plus what brushes and poles??? PLEASE HELP my heads spinning! ???