ive been cleaning this guys windows for over a year and ive nearly got rid of him a few times.its a little cul de sac with five 4 bed room houses all £15 each.anyway i just knew id have a problem with him when i turned up with my pole!!
i gave them a double rinse and spent an extra 10 mins as it was a first clean and said to him ill clean the rest of the close and come back when theyve dryed and inspect them!!
he came out after about half an hour and said"i knew that pole thing was rubbish and wouldnt do the sills properly!"
i got my ladders off and had a look and all windows and frames and sills were GLEAMING(even in the sunlight!).
what he d found was a slight little bit of dirt engrained in right at the edge of the sill!(these upvc windows must be at least 15 years old!)
id had enough by this time and just said if your going to be that pedantic then you better look for another window cleaner!!and just walked off(he d payed me by this time though!)
another windy and a neighbour had warned me what he was like!i reckon his missus wont be too pleased with him when she gets back home as she knows im the best window cleaner in the area by a mile!
so for the forseeable future ill be pulling up every month and cleaning all his neighbours windows while his get dirtier and dirtier!!
i few other times he s been a pain and ive relented!not this time im finished with him now!!
still dont understand how somebody can be such a fussy old codger!!
you cant please everybody all of the time even though i do try when it comes to my custys!!
sometimes your better dumping them and moving on!!