Why would we want to desalinate the water?
We rarely have water usage restrictions in this country.
Are you prepared to pay the extra cost involved so you can water your garden throughout the summer when we would otherwise have a hose-pipe ban? You do realise that it is about 40-50 times more expensive to desalinate water and treat it compared to how we source our existing water; and then we'd end up just using it to flush turds round the u-bend. Still wanna pay for it?
The vast majority of Egypts water comes from the Nile, its the second biggest river in the world.
Hotels and resorts on the Red Sea do de-salinate their water, but the holiday makers pay for that (that'll be us then) not the locals.
It reminds me of the arguements some people made in the winter when we had 3 feet of snow and people were moaning that countries like Canada get 4 times as much snow as we got but they still manage to get about. Thats because they get snow of that depth every year and so are geared up for it. We could invest in that kind of kit (£350,000 snow ploughs) and use them once every 20 years.
Then who would be moaning?