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trad top tip-price increase
« on: June 29, 2010, 10:11:45 pm »
attention all tradders , want to earn more money.tell all your customers that the price is going up £1 .when they look shocked and just about to sack you tell them you will start doing there bathroom window every time .they will now think they are getting a good deal and you get an extra quid .then after a couple of cleans simply go back to bumping it again , cant fail. keep on tradding ;) ;)


Re: trad top tip-price increase
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2010, 10:16:29 pm »
cheers Timmy,and i can go and bang the extra on Spain to win the world cup at the bookies  ;)

mci services

Re: trad top tip-price increase
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2010, 10:22:39 pm »
he is really helpful that way stan lots of top tips he has ;D

heres one for wfp guys start bumping the bathroom windows and frames and (sills that you cant really do anyway) and you can now add another 5/10 houses to your day. oh did i mention doors ::)


Re: trad top tip-price increase
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2010, 12:00:16 am »
When I put the price up they agree saying " we will pay anything just dont leave our windows with big runs and spots on the windows !
Thats why you can charge extra ( for doing the job right first time )  ;D


  • Posts: 7887
Re: trad top tip-price increase
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2010, 09:40:30 am »
attention all tradders , want to earn more money.tell all your customers that the price is going up £1 .when they look shocked and just about to sack you tell them you will start doing there bathroom window every time .they will now think they are getting a good deal and you get an extra quid .then after a couple of cleans simply go back to bumping it again , cant fail. keep on tradding ;) ;)

Perhaps showing my naievity / newbyness here but do you really miss windows out ??

Jack Wallace

  • Posts: 625
Re: trad top tip-price increase
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2010, 10:31:02 am »
attention all tradders , want to earn more money.tell all your customers that the price is going up £1 .when they look shocked and just about to sack you tell them you will start doing there bathroom window every time .they will now think they are getting a good deal and you get an extra quid .then after a couple of cleans simply go back to bumping it again , cant fail. keep on tradding ;) ;)

Perhaps showing my naievity / newbyness here but do you really miss windows out ??
Trad gear does not work on frosted glass. !!!!

mci services

Re: trad top tip-price increase
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2010, 01:00:30 pm »
attention all tradders , want to earn more money.tell all your customers that the price is going up £1 .when they look shocked and just about to sack you tell them you will start doing there bathroom window every time .they will now think they are getting a good deal and you get an extra quid .then after a couple of cleans simply go back to bumping it again , cant fail. keep on tradding ;) ;)

Perhaps showing my naievity / newbyness here but do you really miss windows out ??

hes being sarcastic ;D he has a wee dig at trad guys at least once a week


  • Posts: 521
Re: trad top tip-price increase
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2010, 08:24:53 pm »
Doesnt not matter if you trad or wfp you are employed by the custy to clean all windows where possible with wfp all windows.
I clean both ways trad and wfp its what some custy wants and never miss any windows or doors trad or wfp.

This is why some custy dont trust the good window cleaners missing and not cleaning frames myself cleans all and add it into my prices.


  • Posts: 341
Re: trad top tip-price increase
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2010, 09:10:33 pm »
Sarcastic !! More like rude & disrespectful.

His single brain cell, which takes a moment off from it's normal day to day functions of breathing and occasionally grunting to make these ridiculous posts, does nothing positive for the industry.

Except to continually drive the gap between the two differing techiniques used by us all. Whichever, method we prefer to use, for whatever reason, should be a personal choice between us and our customers and we should be respected for that, not have one group of window cleaners either looking down their noses or even making fun at the expense of others.

When will this forum's moderators do anything about these pointless posts ????


Re: trad top tip-price increase
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2010, 09:26:11 pm »
Sarcastic !! More like rude & disrespectful.

His single brain cell, which takes a moment off from it's normal day to day functions of breathing and occasionally grunting to make these ridiculous posts, does nothing positive for the industry.

Except to continually drive the gap between the two differing techiniques used by us all. Whichever, method we prefer to use, for whatever reason, should be a personal choice between us and our customers and we should be respected for that, not have one group of window cleaners either looking down their noses or even making fun at the expense of others.

When will this forum's moderators do anything about these pointless posts ????

We are all just simply pimply windy cleaners man, who gives a toss? get over yourself.

Re: trad top tip-price increase
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2010, 10:00:34 pm »
totally agree some of these posts are totally pointless. i wouldnt dream of looking down my nose at fellow window cleaners .just trying to pass some tips on which i picked up after 20 years of trad cleaning . heres a little game you  can play to relieve the boredom of tradding .me and my mate (he had 2 brain cells)used to see how long we could bump a bathroom window for (only on houses we hated doing or wasnt bothered about loosing) iwent 4 years on 1 house and 2-3 years on a few. once had to throw the scrim up at it once thought there was bird muck on it ,turned out it was 2 flies. ;D  we started going a bit further and bumping lounge windows the record was 6 months till she sacked us . but the funniest thing is she set me back on 18 months ago cos she said the last guys were crap (us) i never saw her cos i never collect and my mate dosent work with me anymore so she dosent realize it was me . and yes i wfp the lot and no complaints off her ;D ;D                                  the tip being keep on tradding (badly) ;)

Re: trad top tip-price increase
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2010, 10:08:51 pm »
how and whos time was i wasting ???


  • Posts: 25125
Re: trad top tip-price increase
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2010, 10:28:09 pm »
Trouble is Barry that cheating the custy is cheating the custy whether you are trad or wfp...
It's a game of three halves!

Re: trad top tip-price increase
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2010, 06:37:36 am »
very true gold it was cheating the custy.but the point i should have made was that i had been trad that long i had hit a brick wall and wasnt bothered about some custys(the only ones i bumped were the pain in the arse custys)but now im wfp its kicked me on again wouldnt dream of bumping any windows

Re: trad top tip-price increase New
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2010, 06:51:57 am »

Ian Lancaster

  • Posts: 2811
Re: trad top tip-price increase
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2010, 12:38:44 pm »
How can I avoid paying tax, please?

Don't earn more than £6,475 ;D

Re: trad top tip-price increase
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2010, 05:14:07 pm »
in fact this topic should make everyone see that wfp is far better than trad for the custy . the reason being since starting wfp (4 years ) not one window bumped , when iwas trad (24 years) i must have bumped thousands of windows.therefore the custy now gets better value for money ,cant argue with that ;) ;)


  • Posts: 330
Re: trad top tip-price increase
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2010, 09:59:25 am »
in fact this topic should make everyone see that wfp is far better than trad for the custy . the reason being since starting wfp (4 years ) not one window bumped , when iwas trad (24 years) i must have bumped thousands of windows.therefore the custy now gets better value for money ,cant argue with that ;) ;)
So basically you were a sh*t window cleaner who had to scam people to make enough money!! Can i please become a moderator so i can ban anyone who comes on here with they're c*ck in hand talking about how WFP is better than trad?! Especially as the reason they are WFP is because trad was too hard for them to cope with! :'(


  • Posts: 1736
Re: trad top tip-price increase
« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2010, 10:04:31 am »
How can I avoid paying tax, please?

Don't earn more than £6,475 ;D
Looks like I will not be paying tax for a while then  :-\ ;D