Hiya guy's....hope ya okay
Got my softner beads today........
Anyway guy's,i'v never used these before
So iv put my softner beads into my old di bottle & ran water through it....& guess what the first bit of water coming from vessel rose from 525(tap water) to 900ppm..EH!!!
i have left running for 5 minutes & it has dropped to 600ppm......
My tap water is only 525 @ the minute & coming from softner vessel is 600ppm.....
Is this normal guy's???
I dont expect the softner to drop ppm,as i'v bought it to protect the membrains a lil bit,as you can see i live in a hard water area,but on the other hand i didnt expect it to rise the ppm?
Is this right fella's
Or does it just need a good flush with tap water???
Couldnt belive it guy's...
Just been back out,left it running for 15 mins now & ppm is 525 going in & 630ppm coming out...cannot get my head round this guy's
I have got another thread,but i thought this is a diffrent problem & the other thread might not get noticed
Any help much appreciated lad's
Kindest regards
www.clean-n-clear windows.co.uk