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Round For Sale - St Helens
« on: June 23, 2010, 08:25:21 pm »
Rnd 1 ) Cleaned fortnightly takes £356 per clean taking two men one day a fortnight. Most pay on the day with little collection. These houses are terraced houses (Fronts Only ) priced @ £2.50 per front per clean. There are also three bed semis priced @ £6 all round every fortnight. The round is very compact and close to the A580 East Lancs Rd

Rnd 2)Mostly terraced houses clean traditionally every fortnight. Takes £237 per fortnight taking two men around 4-5hrs a fortnight to clean . They are terraced fronts priced @ £2 a front with a number of 3 bed semis priced @ £5-6 all round every fortnight. This round is also very compact and also near the A580. Both rounds are within 2mins of each other and well worth a viewing.

Monthly Turnover £1186

Asking Price SOLD

If your serious about building your round further contact me

07523 942 502



  • Posts: 485
Re: Round For Sale - St Helens
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2010, 10:05:03 pm »
your prices r rubbish mate,i charging £6 for a three bedroom huse twety years ago.         


Re: Round For Sale - St Helens
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2010, 11:08:52 pm »
These are good prices for the north west.

Thats £12 per month from one customer for cleaning 5 windows ;D



Re: Round For Sale - St Helens
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2010, 11:17:19 pm »
These are good prices for the north west.

£6 for a semi is a good price in the North West? Don't think so. I wouldn't clean a semi for £6 let alone buy work at that price.

Ste M

  • Posts: 1826
Re: Round For Sale - St Helens
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2010, 03:40:12 am »
Good prices though if you can clean 5or 6 an hour an you have loads of them in one street. I don't understand some people on here chargin silly money for houses an then moanin when someone comes along an takes the work off them for a fair price, you all say its undercutting! No it isn't its charging what you believe is the 'right' price


  • Posts: 25945
Re: Round For Sale - St Helens
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2010, 08:03:42 am »
Good prices though if you can clean 5or 6 an hour an you have loads of them in one street. I don't understand some people on here chargin silly money for houses an then moanin when someone comes along an takes the work off them for a fair price, you all say its undercutting! No it isn't its charging what you believe is the 'right' price

Spot on! A compact round can be a good earner even off of a low price - this is fortnightly remember - just a quick wipe over, even trad. (And a few bathroom windows missed eh?  ;))

Imagine if you could get them on wfp - fantastic. (Trouble is you've got to get past luddite attitudes; and when you're a knuckledragging, inarticulate neanderthal that ain't easy! I know - cuz I am that missing link! ;D)
It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 1736
Re: Round For Sale - St Helens
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2010, 08:14:46 am »
at first glance they look like low prices, But look at how much he can earn working 4 days every month £1186 even if just one man does them and it takes 6-8 days its still bloody good money.


  • Posts: 24196
Re: Round For Sale - St Helens
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2010, 08:17:24 am »
if the round is very compact then youll do ok even at £5-£6 per house.also its easy to collect your money and you find you pick up lots of extra work like conny roofs/fascia cleaning etc.

i have 2 very big estates very compact and charge a little more and do ok.its good solid "bread and butter "work!

i will be moving towards bigger residential/medium commercial jobs though now im wfp!! ;) ;D ;D


price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 840
Re: Round For Sale - St Helens
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2010, 07:07:52 pm »
Thought u sold evrrything months ago danny?have u started the canversing bit yet?


  • Posts: 485
Re: Round For Sale - St Helens
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2010, 10:51:40 pm »
These are good prices for the north west.

Thats £12 per month from one customer for cleaning 5 windows ;D

i live in llandudno n wales,i charge at least £!0 for a three bedroom house. i live down the road from u

Re: Round For Sale - St Helens
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2010, 06:33:36 am »
I think the prices are crap. The day were we can think compact are over its a misnomer. Why do you guys think you should work cheap because its compact round. That is your good luck not your customers that you were lucky enough to build a compact round. Saving in costs are called profit not cheap prices. Its time to grow up as businessmen. This is the 21 century. Its this line of thought that stops us earning respect and becoming a profession. I know you will all shoot me down , just remember we are all in the same team Mates. We don’t play for the customers team. WE work for them not with them.

Dave Willis

Re: Round For Sale - St Helens
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2010, 08:29:33 am »
His prices will be crap. His intention on here was to undercut everybody a short time ago. His plan was to build a round as fast as possible. I guess this is what he's done and is planning on making a living selling rounds?


  • Posts: 682
Re: Round For Sale - St Helens
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2010, 09:03:06 pm »
These are good prices for the north west.

Thats £12 per month from one customer for cleaning 5 windows ;D

i live in llandudno n wales,i charge at least £!0 for a three bedroom house. i live down the road from u

So geoff you charge £10 for a three bed house that takes 10 mins to clean, so you can do £60 an hour. Thats a fair wage!

Sean Dyer

  • Posts: 2947
Re: Round For Sale - St Helens
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2010, 11:17:09 pm »
I think the prices are crap. The day were we can think compact are over its a misnomer. Why do you guys think you should work cheap because its compact round. That is your good luck not your customers that you were lucky enough to build a compact round. Saving in costs are called profit not cheap prices. Its time to grow up as businessmen. This is the 21 century. Its this line of thought that stops us earning respect and becoming a profession. I know you will all shoot me down , just remember we are all in the same team Mates. We don’t play for the customers team. WE work for them not with them.

I know what you are saying mate and imo has prices are on the cheap side but there is something to be said for pricing reasonably to get compact work
if you price high you will keep less custys then your round isnt as compact whereas charging that £1 or 2 less might mean you have 4 in a row instead of 2

saves time and effort travelling/moving etc


Re: Round For Sale - St Helens
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2010, 11:31:33 pm »
at first glance they look like low prices, But look at how much he can earn working 4 days every month £1186 even if just one man does them and it takes 6-8 days its still bloody good money.
Hi mate,if round 1 takes 2 men 1 day a fortnight then it takes one man 2 days a fortnight.
 If round two takes two men 4-5 hours then it takes one man 8 to 10 hours a fortnight, which will equate to 2 days realistically. So there is four days a fortnight to do the work, the work per fortnight is  237 + 356 =593 for 3 and a half to four days work.
 Now look at the prices. Round one £356, terraced at £2.50 a pop, well 100 of them will get you £250 and at £6 a pop roughly 19 semis wil get you to the £356 mark.
Round two, £237 and at £2 a pop you'll need 100 terraced, and at £5-£6 a semi it maybe 8 semis to do.
 So a rough guess of 200 terraced fronts and maybe 27 semis to do £593? Of course i'm guessing and have no idea how the ratio of terraced to semis equates. But i do know how long it takes to do 100 terraced fronts and i know how long it takes to do 10 semis,as does anyone looking here.
 I realise that its all largeley academic, and however, £593 for four days work is good money of that there is little doubt. I would only take issue of his claim that £6 for a semi in the Northwest is good money. Its not, its pretty much average to low for a trad fortnightly cleaner.
 To put that into perspective i charge and get £7 for a terraced front, albeit monthly.


Re: Round For Sale - St Helens
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2010, 07:30:19 am »

Your ratio is near enough spot on. The semis are only 2 bed semis and all done without frames cleaned.

They are good enough sold now. The guy is using WFP as recons himself and his son can clean these two rounds in one day.
Another thing ive learntt from him is that if i ever go WFP again to always use fanjets rather than pencil jets which dont work as i found



Re: Round For Sale - St Helens
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2010, 01:34:04 pm »

Your ratio is near enough spot on. The semis are only 2 bed semis and all done without frames cleaned.

They are good enough sold now. The guy is using WFP as recons himself and his son can clean these two rounds in one day.
Another thing ive learntt from him is that if i ever go WFP again to always use fanjets rather than pencil jets which dont work as i found

I have trouble with pencils at times too Dan, they should make it the law that all streets have to have the same type glass so no need to change  :)


  • Posts: 24196
Re: Round For Sale - St Helens
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2010, 02:25:54 pm »
danny you said a while back that you always clean frames so the custys dont  benefit from you going wfp!so you reverted back to trad!!

im sorry mate but i would have no dealings with you as i simply dont believe a word you say!!nevermind all the aggro you caused people when you were just called "platinum" with your undercutting nonsense!!

price higher/work harder!


Re: Round For Sale - St Helens
« Reply #18 on: June 28, 2010, 09:08:50 pm »

Thats fine i dont plan on having any dealings with you either. I am not selling them rounds that i clean the frames on. The rounds i am selling are sold. Im glad im not having any dealing with you mate you would just tell me what you were doing and then tell me again and buy the time you make your mind up id have aged.

For everyone else except Dazmond who has been talking about going wfp since the millenium i have changed my views on Wfp. I think it is faster and if i had the chioce to be trad or wfp id choose wfp.

Whats change my mind is seeing the pencil jets ruin my customers window and wind me up i sold my system and got back to trad cleaning.
Since the buyer of my rounds said he was going wfp on the rounds from the start i advised against it and he told me his story which is similar to mine. He went wfp then back to trad then once he realised his mistake back again

He bought the cheapest system with pencil jets and got bummed.

Fanjets should be made standard on all poles available to buy because it is false advertising to say wfp leaves windows spotless when with pencil jets fitted as standard the results are rubbish. Id also be looking for the lightest poles and mircobore reels.

Daz i hope you have pencil jets



Re: Round For Sale - St Helens
« Reply #19 on: June 28, 2010, 09:15:27 pm »
PS i thought the benifits of WFP were mostly health and safety issues?

Daz good luck with your trolley ;)