Hi Guys, I know this has been covered many times before on here but amy advice anyone could share with me would be very much appreciated..
Right story goes, been in a contract with a company for 8 months now they have 2 buildings i'm cleaning in 1 of them,there other building is been cleaned by another cleaning company but standards were'nt good at all so they decided 6 months ago to tell them they were'nt re-newing the contract when it runs out at the beg of July. I knew all this and was told i'd be offered the 2nd building at the end of the contract.
Now the other cleaning company has contacted them today saying i must take on there employee under TUPE.
I know it's a complete minefield with lots of grey areas and i've had advice from the FSB but i'm still abit confused As far as i can see i'm the only person who could quite possibly loose out in this situation.
From what i've read etc i would become responsible for any outstanding monies that the employee is owed and she would have to stay under her present contract and terms and conditions,ie; i can't change her contract or ask her to do something which isn't already listed on her contract (do i have this right)
I have contacted her present employer to ask for details of her ie;contract,terms&conditions,pay holiday entitlement etc,should i do anything else? I can see many a sleepless night ahead!!!!