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  • Posts: 23864
Re: well dazmond how did
« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2010, 11:35:31 pm »
cheers dan!

ive cleaned a few doors today(not in a porch though!)they took ages compared to a quick wipe with scrim/microfibre.i dont think ill use the wfp on many more!it just takes up too much time!! ::) ::)
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 3553
Re: well dazmond how did
« Reply #21 on: June 14, 2010, 11:41:48 pm »
I dont really think wfp is any faster that trad unless you are cleaning leaded windows or small squares.

but worth its weight in gold for second story windows and higher.

dan hughes

  • Posts: 397
Re: well dazmond how did
« Reply #22 on: June 15, 2010, 12:07:04 am »
I see wfp as just another tool, i wouldn't be withiut any!

I don't mean porches inside houses, just in case someone thinks i took my pole into someones house. !!

However ! Thst brings me to something else you can try!! Next time a customer asks you to do some insides, say yes ok, get ur pole and hose and go to the door , (as joke ovius!) u'll be amased how many dimwits invite you in  :-\

Gav Camm lammy 283

  • Posts: 7520
Re: well dazmond how did
« Reply #23 on: June 15, 2010, 01:03:56 am »
lol 8pm c'mon dazmond me old m8 lol stick wiv trad il buy
all ya gear for 5ton lol ;D ;D ;D no seriously gud luck m8  ;D

 it would be C.C.C  Probably the best WINDOW CLEANERS IN THE WORLD ..........."

mark dew

  • Posts: 2901
Re: well dazmond how did
« Reply #24 on: June 15, 2010, 03:02:21 am »
I had no complaints until i was 3 months in then i got about half a dozen or more and some cancellations. It felt like my round was rebelling and was a bit of a knock to the confidence that i had built up by then.
I decided then spent about an hour at the end of each day going round having a quick look at how they dried. The following month only a few windows needed going back and checking/re-doing. On all 1st cleans i go back and check the results.
This can take ages if you have loads of properties, but once i'd gone round enough to learn which window(s) weren't drying well, the time saved down the road far outweighed the initial time spent.
I have found that once the windows come up spotless that 1st time with wfp, they almost always come up good afterwards. It's getting them spotless that 1st time which takes the time and most effort.

Re: well dazmond how did
« Reply #25 on: June 15, 2010, 07:39:02 am »
the only time i have problems with dirty windows is when the custy comes out with a cloth and wipes the window dry


  • Posts: 23864
Re: well dazmond how did
« Reply #26 on: June 15, 2010, 08:24:41 am »
Tell me about it mark!!i did notice the odd run and a few spots here and there but sod going back to redo again!!i already spent twice as long than i would of trad!unless they pay me double then no way!

i basically say to custys itll take 2 or 3 cleans to get them up to scratch as its a totally different way of cleaning and i need to find my feet with it.

its a much more thorough way of cleaning than trad and i think the frames looked top notch on white upvc! ;) :D :D

BUT im working harder for the same money and its costing me more than trad at the moment.

im certainly not thinking"so glad i went wfp,i wish id done it years ago"

more like one big costly mistake!!ill give it 3 months then ill go back to trad if im not happy with it.

im off out again!taking it easy with the wfp today as my shoulders are aching!! :( :(

starting at 10 this morning.i think i went a bit OTT yesterday!! :-\ :-\


price higher/work harder!

Tom White

Re: well dazmond how did
« Reply #27 on: June 15, 2010, 08:36:32 am »
Daz, it'll get better and you'll get quicker.  It takes a bit of time.  By the time you're on your third clean you'll be at least as fast as you were trad - and the work will be easier and sweeter - and within six months you'll be earning more for doing the same.

But your poles; are you using the correct size pole for your work?  If you're using a big heavy one on upstairs and the same one for downstairs, that's a really tiring way to work and it won't be good for your body in the long term.

I tend to use a Harris (£15), with a 'Harris adapter'.  Although the pole hose is always external to the pole, the beauty is that the brush head just slips off the pole when I want it to and when I do ground floor windows I just slip the brush head onto a shorter pole I carry on my trolley.

So it saves having to cart about another pole, brush head, and pole hose.  And a short pole is obviously far lighter than a heavier pole for ground floor work.

Of course, an SLX or something like that will make the job even easier, but I won't fork out that sort of cash for something that people don't seem to get a year out of; and have problems with in less than six months from what I've read here.


  • Posts: 23864
Re: well dazmond how did
« Reply #28 on: June 15, 2010, 09:09:33 am »
tosh ive got the upgraded extel 20ft pole(N-TECH STREAMLINE)glass fibre.

it just about reaches all my present work(i think)

what about the xtel carbon fibre poles?

i need one as i do have a lot of awkward windows where i just used to climb on the roof before!! ::)

im sure i could do some serious damage to my shoulders with this crap pole(still cost me 130quid with the vikan brush! ::))
price higher/work harder!

Sapphire Window Cleaning

  • Posts: 2942
Re: well dazmond how did
« Reply #29 on: June 15, 2010, 11:21:28 am »
Daz I bought an Unger glass fibre pole 18ft I think, then I attached a superlight brush, it made a huge difference, the super light is half the weight of the vikan.
I use a the dual trim mono brush and it works a treat.
Even though I use my SLX all the time I still have my unger GF pole with a superlight for my emergency pole.

Reaching parts traditional window cleaners can not reach.


  • Posts: 2368
Re: well dazmond how did
« Reply #30 on: June 15, 2010, 12:33:58 pm »
Don't give it 3 months Daz give it 6 months you get faster all the time but 3 months is only long enough to make you break even time wise with your work. If you've been cleaning trad for a long time then chances are you are fast and to get to
that speed you'll need practice.

I'd tell your custies that if any windows come up bad to call you back and you'll redo them, hardly any will call you but sometimes when a window comes up bad it can be really shocking, worst ones are the windows with split rubbers at the top. Sometimes just the offer to redo the windows is enough to keep you in the custies good books.

The slx is brill if you look after it. Mines 2 years old now.


R W C™

  • Posts: 1649
Re: well dazmond how did
« Reply #31 on: June 15, 2010, 02:18:41 pm »
WFP newbie TIP for Dazmond. ;D

upvc front doors under open porches come up great with WFP,

BUT, make sure there is a bottom lip that covers over the door overlap. Window / door installers often leave these off because of the protection the door gets for the porch.

You will Flood the porch and loose a £30 beachfront house.  ::) Doh ! Yes speaking from experience.

When doing doors daz lift the handle up, this way you wont fllod there hall way.

I think 2 hours longer in a day on 1st cleans is good so dont worry, come 3rd and 4th clean youll fly mate.........


Re: well dazmond how did
« Reply #32 on: June 15, 2010, 04:28:14 pm »
did notice the odd run and a few spots here and there but sod going back to redo again!!
i already spent twice as long than i would of trad!unless they pay me double then no way!

Dazmond you would not leave streaks doing trad so why leave runs and spot wfp?

i already spent twice as long than i would of trad!unless they pay me double then no way!

the customer pays you to do a job how long it takes you is down to you, why should they pay you double?

looking at your posts i dont think you were ready to go and do customers houses, should have practised more on yours and family windows until you were sure of doing a good job,

I bet you are leaving houses not knowing if you have done a good job or not, doing them trad you would have!

thats why you should have practised more until you were sure of leaving a good job,

Wfp in the early days does get you stressed no doubt but it will come!


Re: well dazmond how did
« Reply #33 on: June 15, 2010, 05:10:43 pm »
Sorry for jumping on the post

James44 can you email me mate

Would like a chat about your maintenance service



  • Posts: 981
Re: well dazmond how did
« Reply #34 on: June 15, 2010, 05:36:45 pm »
Tell me about it mark!!i did notice the odd run and a few spots here and there but sod going back to redo again!!i already spent twice as long than i would of trad!unless they pay me double then no way!

i basically say to custys itll take 2 or 3 cleans to get them up to scratch as its a totally different way of cleaning and i need to find my feet with it.

its a much more thorough way of cleaning than trad and i think the frames looked top notch on white upvc! ;) :D :D

BUT im working harder for the same money and its costing me more than trad at the moment.

im certainly not thinking"so glad i went wfp,i wish id done it years ago"

more like one big costly mistake!!ill give it 3 months then ill go back to trad if im not happy with it.

im off out again!taking it easy with the wfp today as my shoulders are aching!! :( :(

starting at 10 this morning.i think i went a bit OTT yesterday!! :-\ :-\



this is why i converted a few over at a time , because to begin with you will be a lot slower,

also which vikan are you using, the sill brush or rectangle , although both are heavy,

a lighter brush would be better :)
, dont loose faith in it though , you will get there in the end , i nearly went back to trad on a few occasions,   so glad i didn't .



Re: well dazmond how did New
« Reply #35 on: June 15, 2010, 06:07:24 pm »


  • Posts: 981
Re: well dazmond how did
« Reply #36 on: June 15, 2010, 06:28:42 pm »
dazmond , you back yet  ;D


tomy jackson

Re: well dazmond how did
« Reply #37 on: June 15, 2010, 06:40:51 pm »
it gets beter  ;D


  • Posts: 23864
Re: well dazmond how did
« Reply #38 on: June 15, 2010, 08:20:34 pm »
finished at 630 knackered!!

pole tap came off late on yesterday so today i thought id try tap on holster on belt!never again!my foot and leg were soaking wet for hours this afternoon!think ive got trench foot!! ::) ::)

some windows came up great and some were truelly shocking but i couldnt be bothered to go and redo them again especially i after theyve paid me!! ;)

ive already explained to them im gettin used to the system and they wont be top notch for 2 or 3 cleans.

i keep banging on about their frames being gleaming and how im losing money as im working twice as hard for the same money.seems to do the trick for now!!

i was only slightly slower (about an hour)than if id of tradded them.

lost my swivelock squeegee! ::)

got my hose tangled up under my feet a few times.

on the positive side ive not had to get my ladders out apart from my single pointer on the last house to open the gate.

ive had my flowcontroller on 60 again and cleaned nearly all work wfp with only a couple of downstairs windows done trad.probably worked 6 hours actually working and only used just under 225L!


i dont know how you guys use 400-500L in a day!! ;D ;D
price higher/work harder!

Re: well dazmond how did
« Reply #39 on: June 15, 2010, 08:37:23 pm »
i use 250 a day at most,  you will get use to it daz,  might take 3 months before you see results, but when i was trad it use to take me most of a day to do a road that i can do in 4 hours now and only have to move the van 4 times

at least its summer and not middle of winter when u r changing over