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  • Posts: 9022
Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2010, 06:47:15 am »
what a joker,

never would i send something like that,

just goes to show you are not very  professional as you think you are.

bobby p

Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2010, 08:26:37 am »
i bleve you should get yer own back, dont be a mouse  -be sure to put a block on her email address tho, so its you who has the last laff .   might seem childish but we are all kids really !!

Jack Wallace

  • Posts: 625
Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2010, 08:44:56 am »
I don’t agree at all with sending a letter like that, it totally undermined and contradicted itself,

In it you are explaining how you are a professional therefore charge accordingly, yet you say it in a childish, abusive and very unprofessional way.

I fully understand how you must have felt and see no reason why you should not have replied, but in my opinion if it had been done eloquently and in a polite and professional way the impact could have been huge.

Instead they will read that and say to themselves and others, "see, what a bunch of morons these window cleaners are"


  • Posts: 446
Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2010, 08:47:33 am »
Oh dear.


  • Posts: 1483
Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #24 on: June 11, 2010, 11:24:45 am »
Personally I'd have added her to my books in the first place; surely you could have fitted one more clean in every two months ::) ??? ::)
Come and talk dirty to us!!!


Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #25 on: June 11, 2010, 11:26:28 am »
Unprofessional reply or not! It should not have been sent, It takes nothing for her to forward this onto hundreds. Sorry mate, but you called her "rude" and "stupid" and then promptly lowered yourself to being the same.   ???


Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #26 on: June 11, 2010, 11:28:34 am »
Personally I'd have added her to my books in the first place; surely you could have fitted one more clean in every two months ::) ??? ::)
Quite so and the had the"extras" on the con roof  etc etc aswell, which would have worked out more income, over the year


  • Posts: 6100
Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #27 on: June 11, 2010, 04:00:11 pm »
No I wouldn't of handled the situation like that. I wouldn't of replied to her email and would of left it and moved on. You can damage your rep by lowering yourself to squabling with customers or ex-customers.
One of the Plebs


  • Posts: 9022
Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #28 on: June 11, 2010, 05:49:14 pm »
i bet matthew wishes he never put this post up now,

has dell would say "rodney you ponker"

Steve Weatherley

  • Posts: 699
Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #29 on: June 12, 2010, 10:11:08 pm »
Matthew, with hindsight what are your thoughts on this one? I know it's a difficult one for you to answer but are you still happy with your actions?


  • Posts: 25127
Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #30 on: June 13, 2010, 09:02:24 am »
Here's one I did after deciding to drop a PITA customer:-

XX Southwood Drive
Coombe Dingle

4th June 2010

Dear Mrs. XXXX,

I am replying to your letter of the 2nd of June and responding to the points you have made.

Firstly my recollection of events is rather different to yours and I will start specifically with the day in question but also go back to the previous month’s visit to clean your windows too.

When I made my comments about you not fitting the profile of the customer I wish to keep I meant that I wish to keep regular, reliable customers who, when wanting changes to the regular agreed work give reasonable notice and do not “drop it” on me at the point of arrival; also those that appreciate that the only way for me to make a sensible living from my work is to have it scheduled efficiently so that I can fill my day to its maximum workload without unnecessary changes. It is challenging enough to schedule around pre-planned changes and unpredictable weather without the attendant domino effect of making changes on the spot.

I think upon reflection that you will realise that your interpretation of “profile”, expressed in your letter, is not a true representation of my meaning.

Moving onto our conversation on Wednesday; what I said, but obviously didn’t make clear to you was that I would only charge £4 for the previous month “... as I only cleaned the front four windows and that the bulk of the work is at the back with the conservatory.”

The “clean” this time would have been £18 and the roof £20, totalling £42 including the £4 from last time. Rather less than the £48 quoted in your letter. Also as the conservatory had not been done for two months then extra dust, hairs and mud associated with your dogs would have been included in this price.

Page 2

To your being “stunned” at the quoted £20 for the roof; conservatory roofs do not respond to a “quick brush over” if they have not been cleaned for many months as there is the usual detritus of birds’ droppings and moss along with algae and the results of what has been an exceptionally dusty few months, perhaps associated with the ongoing volcanic activity. (Maybe you have noticed that your car has needed cleaning more often?) This entails using a different brush with stiffer bristles and cleaning fluids and attendant extra time.

However, my deciding to terminate my cleaning for you has its roots in events starting last month. You were not home and so I started cleaning the front of your property and you arrived – not seeming particularly pleased to see me – and asked me to not clean the back and to do a more thorough clean of the conservatory including some of the insides “next week”. I adjusted my schedule for this. I then received a phone call saying to leave it until the next month which I did. When I arrived, the parameters were changed yet again by you and now I was asked to do the outside of the conservatory roof only – along with my regular cleaning.

To then have you baulk at £20 to clean the conservatory roof which by its very nature will include the gutter outsides as well was, frankly, the final straw. I hope this gives a more comprehensive answer as to why I acted as I did.

Finally, please find enclosed your cheque to me for which I thank you but your debt is only £4.00 which as I said at the time I am happy to write off.

Thank you for your comments about my work and I wish you all the best for the future.

Yours sincerely,

Malcolm Gold
M. Gold Window Cleaning

It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 6824
Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #31 on: June 13, 2010, 09:13:07 am »
Do you really go to the effort to do all this?

Just move on and forget.


Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #32 on: June 13, 2010, 09:54:29 am »
I had a customer a couple of years back, only ever saw them once when I did the quote. I used to go round clean the windows leave an envelope and the cheque came through within a few days good as gold.
One day I went there and there were two guys concreting in a base for a big conservatory at the back. I cleaned as usual but made a mental note to talk to them which I didn't do.

Next time I went back there was a big conservatory. The windows on it were pretty much clean anyway so I did the other windows, splashed some water around on the conservatory windows and left a bill for the usual amount but made a note on my sheet that I really would have to talk to them before the next time.

Anyway the cheque never arrived so about a week later my wife phoned them to give them a nudge. The woman was really stroppy, she wasn't paying because the roof of the conservatory was still filthy.

All attempts to explain that the conservatory was new and had never been included in the original quote and anyway conservatory roofs are time consuming and are quoted for seperately fell on totally deaf ears. She wasn't paying and that was that. Her view that the roof would be about £30 to clean was "ridiculous"

So we dropped her, never got paid, am I bothered? No! Life is too short, just move on and forget them. Never get involved.     


  • Posts: 25127
Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #33 on: June 13, 2010, 12:49:32 pm »
>Sensai LWC -

With the one I mentioned above - I had received a polite but in my opinion inaccurate and misinformed letter from my ex customer and a cheque from her and so felt it was courteous to respond by the same medium.

And it's no bother - maybe thirty minutes one evening - and what with me being an insecure guy underneath all the bluster it makes me feel better!  ;)
It's a game of three halves!

Ian Lancaster

  • Posts: 2811
Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #34 on: June 13, 2010, 03:49:10 pm »
Not exactly the same situation, but here is a letter I sent to a snobby (ex) customer after having put up with several inconsiderate incidents:

In accordance with your initial request for our service and your specific instructions regarding procedure, we have cleaned your windows on three occasions (15/12/08, 27/2/09 and 30/4/09)

Prior to each visit we informed you two days in advance of our intention, as you required.  At the time of the second visit you requested that we clean the greenhouse the next time we visited, and although I gave you a full written quotation you disputed the agreed cost.

When my franchisee, Mr Stephen Shaw visited on the 30th of April (the third visit) you declined to have the greenhouse cleaned despite your previous request and deferred the clean until the next time.

When the next scheduled visit became due Mr Shaw attempted to contact you, and getting no reply he left a message advising you of his intention to clean your windows two days subsequent to the date of the telephone message.

When he arrived at your property he was informed that ‘it was not convenient to clean the windows’.  As he had fulfilled all your requirements regarding procedure he was understandably upset by having incurred a wasted journey and the costs of fuel and lost time when he could have been working elsewhere.  If his proposed visit was not acceptable, then common decency dictates that he should have been informed, and an alternative arrangement suggested.  Even in the event that you did not receive his message in time, the least you ought to have done is apologise for the inconvenience and request an alternative visit.

As you seem to hold us and our service in such low esteem I have cancelled our arrangement and replaced you with more appreciative customers.

Yours sincerely,

A & J Owen Window Cleaning

  • Posts: 2192
Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #35 on: June 13, 2010, 05:35:52 pm »
I had a rude e-mail from a customer yesterday and just e-mailed her back and told her we didn't agree with her version of events and therefore felt that the arrangement was best ended. Shouldn't have touched it in the first place - she wanted references from us and put us on a 3 month trial!! Drop em and forget about em!

Steve Weatherley

  • Posts: 699
Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #36 on: June 13, 2010, 09:17:53 pm »
Nothing gives me more pleasure than to drop the 'pain in the asse' customers but they just get a brief call or email and I move on.
I appreciate that many of you feel better by sending a letter explaining your side of events and I applaud those of you who can do so in a polite manner

Johnny B

  • Posts: 2385
Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #37 on: June 14, 2010, 12:22:18 am »
It's good that you have a decent customer base, but, how did your potential customer get to know about you in the first place? Was it from a personal recommendation from one of your regular customers? Were you seen doing a neighbour's windows?

Whatever the case may be, I feel that your attitude may well come back to bite you if she knows any of your customers.

It seems to me that if you treat them with respect and dignity, your reputation will always grow in a positive way. Treat them like that outlined in your email, and ask yourself how you would expect to be regarded.

Being diplomatic is being able to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.


Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #38 on: June 14, 2010, 07:41:00 am »
Treat them with respect of coarse but not all of them are going to treat you the same way. Thats just life. Some are nasty people, others a bit mad, others I think just need to get out more.

Whatever, keep the good ones and let the others go. Thats how you build your round. I'm certainly not going to start writing them letters, life is too short for that.

Tom White

Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #39 on: June 14, 2010, 08:32:16 am »
Sending shirty e-mails to shirty customers will just give them the moral highground.  They'll think, "Well then, we were right about that dodgy rude window cleaner", then put your letter/e-mail in the bin.

Kill them with kindness, and remember that humility is the best form of superiority!

Gold's letter is very good!