Took a skive off my job today (working notice period until next Wednesday) ... thought lets do some windows today instead of next week (actually due today) only 4 to all on same little estate
Clean House 1 who tells me new neighbours just moved in so I goes and knocks and gets New Customer 1
Gets to House 2 pulls my trolley out .. bloke next door wanders over to see my kit and says how much for mine .... end result New Customer 2 ..... however at this point I realised I had forgotten my pole so apologise for being an idiot to Mr New Customer and back there an hour later where I spot another windy doing a leaflet drop !!!
After I do New Customer 2 he says do you go to such and such an estate ... says I do ok you can do my dads house then .... New Customer 3
I was going to door knock the esate I was on today early next week in the evenings but seeing the other guy leaflet drop has made me realise never to put door knocking off as there are others out there that will get to it before you ... am I sounding paranoid now ?
So all in all a good day with 3 new customers gained