hey cat. that has got to be a record ,the fastest locked post on record ,and Tosh watch them mouth ulcers .i wish i could give up.
good on ya mate
From a health point of view, long term use of nicotine chewing gum is nothing compared with smoking. Remember nicotine chewing gum contains just nicotine, whereas cigarette smoke contains something like 650 poisons.
Have you heard of Alan Carr's 'Easyway' to stop smoking? I attended one of his clinics, cost £150 for a five hour session and was really good. They offer a money back guarantee and have a 90% success rate. Google for him.
In the end though, will power and nicotine replacement therepy helped; backed up by constant nagging from my marathon running Missis!
As an ex-heavy smoker I have a far greater sense of well-being than when I smoked. It's also less effort when working.
Don't give up on giving up.