I provide COSHH training initially as part of my staff induction, and also as an ongoing training need. Not sure if i'm doing it right or not, but i don't send them on specific training courses (although this depends on the products being used) - we use only household cleaning products. Pg 14 of COSHH regulations states "you should provide your employees with sufficient and suitable information, instruction and training" - i interpreted this to my own business needs. The HSE website (
www.hse.gov.uk) is a great place for info as is cobweb, which also provides advice online.
We undertake COSHH assessments, to be used with safety data sheets and product assessments - copies of these should be given for new contracts.
I appreciate that the products that you use and the training required in your field of work may be different to mine, but the principles are pretty much the same, so hopefully the websites will provide you with some relevant advice.
Hope this helps,