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  • Posts: 981
Re: not up to it today...!!
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2010, 07:43:23 pm »
Initially, you'll use a lot of water, but once you get confident, with a back pack you'll be able to do at least the tops of three houses with one fill, and it's a piece of cake to tow about if you use a fishing trolley sack truck.

I can clean my whole house (11 good sized windows and two doors) with about ten litres of water.

If I worked by myself, I'd definitely go van mounted and sack truck/back pack.  But since I work with Wor Lass who won't go WFP it works for us to work together with me on tops with backpack and Wor Lass tradding behind.

But we've been doing this for about four-or-five years now and we're like well oiled machines.  I tend to use her for the bulk of my compact work, drop her off home at around 2pm and then head out with more water and clean drive-betweens 100% WFP.

You'll be surprised at how many windows you can do with one fill, and re-filling doesn't take long at all.  You'll work out where to leave barrels of water for bigger jobs; there's definitely a knack to using a backpack effectively, but I prefer it to a 50 litre system.  And with a fishing sack truck it really is easy to cart about.

I bet there's 50 litre systems rotting in people's sheds/garages/back gardens all over the place.  I took mine to the tip; it was just to big and heavy.  But saying that, a window cleaner local to me has been using one for about five years now; but if I were you - if possible - I'd try before you buy.

You won't go wrong with having a back pack though; even if you go van mounted you'll still find regular use for it I bet.
good advise on the back pack , i started  of with a back pack still got it , still gets used on some jobs , although i found it easier to just carry it, as apposed to putting on a trolley, i can get 3- 3 bed detatched houses  out of 1 fill (tops and bottoms).

although i mainly use a van man mount , i would not be without it .



Re: not up to it today...!!
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2010, 07:55:15 pm »
if you nearly do every house on 2 big estates,surely a van system would be a better,easier and lighter option?? ???


  • Posts: 1806
Re: not up to it today...!!
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2010, 07:59:46 pm »

I bet there's 50 litre systems rotting in people's sheds/garages/back gardens all over the place.  I took mine to the tip; it was just to big and heavy. 

Listen to this advice Daz, don't make the same mistake!!! Mine also ended up at the dump!!! A decent size tank for your van will probably cost you less than the trolley, then you just need a pump and a hose!!  :)


  • Posts: 23862
Re: not up to it today...!!
« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2010, 11:33:04 pm »
maybe the 25lt option is more like it then!after a few regular cleans i might be able to get four  3 bed semis cleaned with 1 25L container! ;) ;)
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 1806
Re: not up to it today...!!
« Reply #24 on: April 28, 2010, 11:38:22 pm »
maybe the 25lt option is more like it then!after a few regular cleans i might be able to get four  3 bed semis cleaned with 1 25L container! ;) ;)

Don't mess about lugging water about Daz, there's a much better, easier and faster option... it's called a van mount!! I wish someone had told me this when I first went wfp nearly 5 years ago!! Start as you mean to go on, and go for the better option!!