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  • Posts: 788
Porty Upgrade to ?
« on: April 26, 2010, 09:23:12 pm »
Thinking of upgrading my perfect heat machine 500psi machine. I want it to be leave carpets drier, ease of use, and more productive. I do mostly domestic, but I am doing more commercial work . Do I :

(a) Buy an RX-20 (like the one Shaun is selling).
(b) Get a prowler.
(c)  Get a truckmount.

All above would be 2nd hand (scottish), and I have a Movano to house them in.

Your thoughts please.

Colin Day

Re: Porty Upgrade to ?
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2010, 09:36:42 pm »
I would go for the Prowler.....


  • Posts: 11382
Re: Porty Upgrade to ?
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2010, 09:55:48 pm »
Get the RX ;D

I honestly think the Prowler range are the best bag for your buck, I was talking to John about the transportability of one and he says if there were anything wrong  whether it be 1 day old or 100 years it can be put on a pallet picked up by a courier and sent to Restormate for £50.

There are also different sized Prowlers in the range but to find 2nd hand it would be a good find or a long wait.


Tony Gill Carpet Smart

  • Posts: 1254
Re: Porty Upgrade to ?
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2010, 07:40:47 am »
Just go and get a TM job done  ;D

Cheers Tony

Simon Gerrard

  • Posts: 4405
Re: Porty Upgrade to ?
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2010, 08:37:26 am »
If you're doing more commercial work then you could do with a bigger machine than the Prowler. I'd suggest a HM Max 450 diesel or 470, both twin capable with lots of power. Well worth the extra money and you've got the perfect van to fit one in.


Peter Sweeney

  • Posts: 534
Re: Porty Upgrade to ?
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2010, 09:06:49 am »
Hi Gary

The prowler is plenty a jump for your needs mate.


Ken Wainwright

  • Posts: 2107
Re: Porty Upgrade to ?
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2010, 10:31:17 am »
Hi Gary

The Prowler has a superb reputation and, like others have already said, would be an excellent tool for you.

This may sound initially silly, but worth consideration. You say you want to leave carpets drier. Have you looked at your wand technique? I so often come across tecs with a porty who use a technique more appropriate to a TM use. I even spoke recently to a highly respected TM user who needed to use a high performance porty for access reasons and later admitted that the carpet was too slow drying because he forgot to adapt his wand technique!

Another reason for upgrade you state as being ease of use. Where is your prime domeatic marketplace? High rise buildings in particular may have access problems, so think about it carefully.

If you are looking to expand your commercial work, what sort? Pubs, restaurants and so on leaves you with one choice of machine: A truckmount. But offices, health centres and the like may give you an option of going LM.

Best advice before you spend a penny of your hard earnt is to WRITE DOWN a detailed business plan of where you want to go during, say, the next five years, then you can prioritise your investments.

Safe and happy cleaning :)
The Ken
Veni, vidi vici, Vaxi
I came, I saw, I conquered, I cleaned up!


  • Posts: 399
Re: Porty Upgrade to ?
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2010, 07:18:41 am »
Ken ;D

derek west

Re: Porty Upgrade to ?
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2010, 08:15:50 am »
you have mail.