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jim etchells

  • Posts: 34
Dark Marks. Any ideas
« on: April 27, 2010, 11:55:31 am »
I was cleaning a friends house the other day. Its polyprop throughout, so was using Ultrapac prespray and a F&F rinse. Everything came out fine exept one area. Downstairs there is the kitchen it the back of house, then you walk into diningroom to get to the lounge. Its a through dinning living room so just one large light grey carpet. In the dining room along the natural path you would walk to get from kitchen to living room were some dark marks on the floor that didnt come up when 1st cleaned. I dont have pictures but if you could imagine pouring water on a light grey carpet. The water would make the carpet a dark grey colour. This was their appearance. To the touch they made the carpet feel smooth and greasy.
Anyway I tried citrus gel to no effect. So tried stain pro which got them all out. Great. Anywhere I had used gel or pro I rinsed with F&F.
I want back to his house a week later and  can see more of these dark marks. I arnt sure if they are the same ones or new ones. Can anyone tell me what could be happening. Was i wrong to rinse C gel with F&F. Also as area was dirties when I started I did more than one pass with the wand. Could i have left this area of the carpet too acidic and could that be causing the problem. Am new to this so any advice would be great.


Re: Dark Marks. Any ideas
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2010, 12:29:06 pm »
I assume you gave the carpet a good pre-vaccing prior to pre-spray. Did you overlap each wand stroke or move across a wand width at a time? Difficult one without pics to be honest. Could even be where furniture has been dragged across the carpet. It is possible to friction burn a synthetic carpet which would leave marks; but they would not be removed.

Best I can think of for now ::)

jim etchells

  • Posts: 34
Re: Dark Marks. Any ideas
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2010, 03:45:04 pm »
Yes did a pre vac. They are defo stains of some sort. When I 1st saw them and as they lead into the dining room from the kitchen. Thought they may be grease stains due to there texture. Got them out but as I can see more since I did the clean, Have been worried that maybe I over rinsed the area and left it too acidic if thats possible. Or that rinsing with F&F after using citrus gel may leave a greasy residue that can atract dirt. I guess they could just be fresh stains.


Re: Dark Marks. Any ideas
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2010, 05:48:03 pm »
So what your saying is the old stains have been removed and not reappeared. Number of possibilities then; 1. These are new stains that no one's owning upto, 2. Poss wick back from base of carpet (or something underneath), 3. Residue left in carpet, 4. ?? Can't think of a forth ::)

Have you tried just a clean water rinse? This would indicate if it's grease or not, can't do any harm.

kevin davies

  • Posts: 13
Re: Dark Marks. Any ideas
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2010, 07:07:56 pm »
hi james,
sounds like you got up and running,im still sorting equipment out ordered porty just waiting on delivery should be a couple of weeks, got some work booked in and sorting leaflets out a present booked on to the advanced spot and stain course friday will meet the master again.
keep up the good work
 Kev Davies

jim etchells

  • Posts: 34
Re: Dark Marks. Any ideas
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2010, 07:09:32 am »
Im thinking residue or just new stains. Did a ph test and all was fine. The customer hasnt noticed them. They are very happy. Its just me that saw them and wanted to know why.
Hi Kevin, just doing family and friends at the moment to get the practice in. Good that youve got bookings already. I am also on with getting leaflets started.