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  • Posts: 80
wfp on 'blown' windows
« on: March 25, 2010, 04:26:10 pm »
I know wfp does not cause this problem but it definately shows it up more.

I've had 3 customers say there windows have got worse when I used wfp on them,in fact I could see this quite clearly.

I don't understand why this happens,you would have thought rain would do the same thing,unless its something to do with the pressure from the brush on the window,which is not that great.

This does not effect business at all, but even though I know I haven't caused this its just a bit embarrasing when you know youv'e made it worse.Couple of the windows have gone from a little bit of condensation at the bottom to the virtually the whole window misting up.I went back to the squeegee on one of these windows and it mostly dissappeared except at the bottom.

Anyone know why this happens(the getting worse bit, I know why they' blow' in the first place) or got any views,cheers



  • Posts: 80
Re: wfp on 'blown' windows
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2010, 05:03:48 pm »
I dont worry about it,but like you mentioned it could make it worse,thats my question really how do you think it does this?

Re: wfp on 'blown' windows
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2010, 05:04:20 pm »
The seal goes and moisture gets between the glass. With WFP as we drown the window more moisture is about so more will appear between the glass. It isn't the fault of the WFP but the seals. However it will seem like it is the WFP's fault as it makes it worse.


  • Posts: 80
Re: wfp on 'blown' windows
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2010, 05:12:56 pm »
But it doesn't get worse with rain,which at times could be more water (and for longer) than wfp

Re: wfp on 'blown' windows
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2010, 05:30:40 pm »
The customer doesn't have the ability to blame the rain. Her window cleaner has changed his method in the last 5 years it MUST be that. ::)


Re: wfp on 'blown' windows
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2010, 06:26:03 pm »
I dont worry about it,but like you mentioned it could make it worse,thats my question really how do you think it does this?

In my opinion the reason WFP makes it worse is because our water is colder than rain water so this cold water makes the air in the blown double glazing condense more.  We also soak the glass more so than rain the glass is slightly more protected from downward rain rather than our right at the glass.  This quick cooling of the glass condenses the air quicker and hence you see it more.  If you ever wash blown windows on a hot summer day with cool WFP water you'll see it even more.  Its all about the differnce in temp between the double glazing and outsude glass.  WFP quickly makes this temperature differencial.

That's what I think anyway ;D


  • Posts: 171
Re: wfp on 'blown' windows
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2010, 06:37:14 pm »
Most double glazing has a drain in the frames with time this gets blocked and so the glass is standing in water its only time before water will get in. Age of the double has a lot to do with it. I replace these panes a s a side line for my customers’ they have that problem I offer to charge them at a fee. This stops them in there tracks. When they need to spend money. Double glazing will last +- 10 years as guarantee states, if they have a problem they must go back to supplier.


Re: wfp on 'blown' windows
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2010, 06:58:44 pm »
I dont worry about it,but like you mentioned it could make it worse,thats my question really how do you think it does this?

In my opinion the reason WFP makes it worse is because our water is colder than rain water so this cold water makes the air in the blown double glazing condense more.  We also soak the glass more so than rain the glass is slightly more protected from downward rain rather than our right at the glass.  This quick cooling of the glass condenses the air quicker and hence you see it more.  If you ever wash blown windows on a hot summer day with cool WFP water you'll see it even more.  Its all about the differnce in temp between the double glazing and outsude glass.  WFP quickly makes this temperature differencial.

That's what I think anyway ;D

I think you are spot on Andrew.