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Mark Lawrence

  • Posts: 288
Re: £119 for top spot on Google
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2010, 11:01:16 pm »
i can't beleive people are suggesting to go ahead with this scam  :o don't ever give away your money to anyone claming to be from google. the coloured section as peopel have mentioned is paid for any way, you just simply sign up to google adwords and then start paying whatever for that spot. google will rotate so you will always at some point have a ad there, so when they say they guarantee it it's because thats how it works. google then will charge you whatever you want, £1 per day, £5 per day, 0.40p per click etc.

very easy to run as well and a hell of a lot cheaper then getting a third party to do it.

plus if first month is free, that's because all the others more then pay for it, first month is never free remember. this is a scam and you should stay far away from it.

on another note the fire fighters called me up today saying they are doing a leaflet in my area and wanted a cleaning company to be on it. it was £750 for it but it seemed worth it as it helps the local kids who has lost family to fires. what do people think? good idea?

Just looked at your site (nice by the way) - you only mention Public Liability insurance. Have you not got Treatments Risk  ??? :o

Just thought I'd let you know mate. Im sure you know already that this covers you for items physically being cleaned - as opposed to property damage etc that liability covers for. Theyre not the same thing unfortunately.


Adam P

  • Posts: 1448
Re: £119 for top spot on Google
« Reply #21 on: February 17, 2010, 11:11:15 pm »
thanks for the compliment mark.

never heard of treatments risk before so no haven't got it. is it worth it considering we don't do carpet cleaning ourselves, just the rest of the property, and at the moment we say there is a £250 excess on any claim payable by the customer (was recommend this by another member here)

Joe H

Re: £119 for top spot on Google
« Reply #22 on: February 18, 2010, 04:26:09 am »
I cant see how you can expect the customer to pay the excess clause on YOUR policy.
If you damage something surely you should expect to pay.
You may get away with it due to ignorance but if there was a legal challenge it would be interesting what the view would be.

Karen Waterworth

  • Posts: 44
Re: £119 for top spot on Google
« Reply #23 on: February 18, 2010, 06:55:34 am »
I think the problem with internet ad's and ad words is getting it wright, then by chance you manage to get at the top, but it only lasts for a few weeks, then you start moving down again because some other people manage it, you spend more time trying to sort it out than doing the cleaning.

when we tried ad words we set a limit, guess what we got clicks all the time by 9.00am most mornings are link was gone not to return until the following day (google informed us click fraud)

Google maps?? again you go on your local map great you know there are only a couple of cc,s in your area and it's free, but omg 10 new cc companies have moved to your area within a week, whats going on?

Then we go on again you pay to advertise in your own area (area = your real business trading address/postcode), you do it because you judge the amount of companies that will show in that given search, but again companies show on that search which dont belong in your area (area = real business trading address/postcode). whats going on?? Oh i am talking about the listing that is under the sponsored list on the ones that cost about £600.00 unless you are part of a national company with branches then it cost about £130.00ish per area.

It is hard to work out what will work and what is a waste of money, but one thing i think is correct you do need to advertise it will always cost money and time.