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  • Posts: 357
Re: have you lost any jobs sonce xmas
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2010, 06:32:27 pm »
lost 2x£15
They said the weather is too bad come back march/april time when the weather picks up!
Picked up 1x£30 so evens it out really

Re: have you lost any jobs sonce xmas
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2010, 06:37:04 pm »
I think I've lost another today (£12).
It was a not toiday thanks. What made it worse is that it was in fading daylight so no time to do a replacement job - i.e. a direct money loss.
I went to a street where I do four houses.  I knew the timing was tight with the daylight so I pushed myself.  At the fourth house I was asked to "leave them this time".  I did ask why and the response was that they didn't need cleaning.  This was after 2.5 months on a job that is meant to be 6 weekly.  I can do without someone cutting my days income by £12 when I've already lost so much time and money recently.  Anyway, if it had been something like getting new windows soon or even if she had said she was totally skint I could have let it go.  But to say they don't need cleaning after the hammering of recent weeks when they are already a month overdue is a sure sign that this would be the start of the messing.
I will write her a polite letter explaining why I have cancelled as I want to be more pro than I have been before.