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Re: why cant wc get much respect from customers
« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2010, 06:53:57 pm »
dont get me wrong ive got some great customers - polite and always chatty and that.
but have/had some right stroopy n rude customers.
like today - doing this house for 4 years and everythinhg was fine, then before xmas i started the front and the door opens and i hear i dont want them done this time - my son has done them and then the door shuts!

And this is the point where in my opinion you should have never gone back.

call today and thought id just knock first - no answer.
then as i walk away i hear the window open - customer is just looking at me, so i say hi there window cleaner, just making sure you want them done this month before i start? he just shook his head and shut the window!
so bloody rude!

And here you are asking permission to clean their windows ... knock by all means but start straight away - you only knock (and some wouldn't) to let them know you are there.

my wife to be nan is this customers neighbour so i know there isnt any private probs they may have.
always to a good job and have full sign written van and smart uniform but still get treated like a crack head wc looking for a few quid.

Your demeanour is apologetic and frankly a little bit "cowed" - even if you don't feel like it walk tall, be polite but take no nonsense from anyone.
i never canvass as i have plenty of work, so they came to me asking for a wc. so thats another dump customer!

That's the spirit!

I wouldn't worry about why they are stroppy - as leapstall says you'll only get that feeling in your stomach every time you call on them - just ditch'em.

As far as window cleaning stuff goes Malc, you and I seem to handle things identically  ;D .
I suffered all the nutters, rude people, not todayers, moaners etc. in the first two or three years while I was building up the workload.  Once I realised how window cleaning could really be I vowed that I wouldn't put up with carp like that again.  I might let them get away with a little bit now and then if it's a lucrative job but it's always on my terms.
I've currently got a couple of £40ers on my probation list  :) .  If I'm honest about it, if they were £20ers they would already be history.  They stay on the probation list longer if I'm well paid but even that won't stop me doing it if the infringement is too great.  A year or so ago I dropped one customer who was supplying me with work to the average value of between £100 and £130 a month via four jobs.  He always made it clear that there were plenty of W/Cs about and that I was dispensible.  What he forgot was that my business wasn't dependant upon him.  He is a shopkeeper.  He's aware that the big supermarket chains get very low price deals from their suppliers because they can't afford to walk away once they become dependant.  He tried to initiate a microcosm of that scenario by getting me to cut my prices.  My mistake was to let him get away with it once on a job where I earned better than his others.  A few months later, he was at it again.  I just wrote him a letter thanking him for his custom and saying that it was no longer viable to clean for him. It's important for me never to have too big a percentage of my work from one source because that way I could start being compromised.

Re: why cant wc get much respect from customers
« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2010, 06:57:24 pm »
its becasue we are in the service industry, people think we can treat us like crap,,   remember a posting on here about a wc who lost a custy becasue he had a newer car than the custy lol

if you said that you are only doing windows to top up your dole, they would probably have more respect for you,  its there lost,

A similar thing happened to me once. When I first started I had a beaten up old astra estate for work, it did the job and was a good car.
 I took on a new customer in a 3 story town house, nice place with a 2 year old BMW on the drive, when I had done cleaning he was so apologetic as he never had any cash, I just said no worries pay me next month, but he insisted on bringing me the cash that night “after all its your livelihood” so I told him my address and forgot about it.
That night there was a knock on the door and there stood my customer with his chin on the ground. “oh” he said, “this is your place then!”  (I am fortunate to have a very nice and quite large house) then he looked and my old astra parked next to my 3 month old CRV. His face was a picture. Lol
After that he was one of my worst payers, so I made an exception just for him. I never usually collect money but I did with that job. And guess which car I ALWAYS used to collect with.   ;D

Ha ha ha.  That is wicked LOL.

david watts

  • Posts: 1421
Re: why cant wc get much respect from customers
« Reply #22 on: January 27, 2010, 07:29:59 pm »
got three houses last year sacked last wc; to be honest they had some beefs with him
and you thought they may have a point.
but did one today and the lady comes out giving me verbals so i told her'
she wanted me to clean a window on a roof a manky green slate roof i told her no way its always done wfp so im sacked but i think if i see another wc walking up that roof i will report it to the hse
see what they can do its got to be unsafe practise.
life is like a box of chocolates you get the crap no one else wants

Sean Dyer

  • Posts: 2947
Re: why cant wc get much respect from customers
« Reply #23 on: January 27, 2010, 07:52:16 pm »
had one today just called to see if she wanted them doing as i should of rang ahead whihc is a pain, but thought as im passing i will knock and ask when should i come or maybe do it now?

She came out and when recognized who i was was like no go away so i just said - " im caling to see when you want me not particuarly for now" go away phone before you call was the response pretty much

a big house £25 6 weekly but it gets really messy as its on top a really gusty area

Madde me a bit mad tbh was gonna drop her but thought i will ring to see how she reacts as she may of been caught out by my improptu call but did get a feeling from day one shed be a messer it was strange she never had a cleaner as its the biggest house on the street that someone already cleans but time will tell if shes not nice and slightly apologetic on the phone i will explain that i cant be arsed to call anymore


Re: why cant wc get much respect from customers
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2010, 09:01:02 pm »
for all the posh custy, we should offer a night service and that way we cant be seen by there neighbours and bring shame on them, my having  someone of such lower class going to there house lol

Jack Wallace

  • Posts: 625
Re: why cant wc get much respect from customers
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2010, 09:12:14 pm »
for all the posh custy, we should offer a night service and that way we cant be seen by there neighbours and bring shame on them, my having  someone of such lower class going to there house lol
on the contrary, I think if you call them mi-lud and mi-lady whilst doffing your flat hat they will like it.   ;D


Re: why cant wc get much respect from customers
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2010, 09:23:11 pm »
to us they are money ,even though they might treat you like dirt at the end of the day your takeing money of them .
if its a cheque watch out i had one bounce tuesday , try and get cash if you can only  they need all the doe they can get to pay for all the swagger and posh cars to show off to the next doors.
keep saying how ace they are and listening to all there bull and you wont go wrong .


  • Posts: 4
Re: why cant wc get much respect from customers
« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2010, 09:51:59 pm »
just found out a customer of mine is the solicitor who took my house,cars,family. last time i let it go to £60, no problems, she paid. this time tho the cheque bounced. did house two more times, were now on £80 yeh? went down friday, said nothing aggresive to daddy and kids, just explained reason i was there. wife out taking my other two kids to who flung dung. apologies about the zebedde, cheque be in post tomorrow. no cheque yet, you should see them, professionals ye? what do i do now? a scummy window cleaner against a lapel pulling bitch who's daily job is wrecking lives. advice needed guys.


Re: why cant wc get much respect from customers
« Reply #28 on: January 27, 2010, 09:55:23 pm »
advice needed guys.

Put your case in a coherent fashion and Im sure someone can advise you of the best course of action.

Unfortunately I havent got a clue what you were trying to say.


  • Posts: 4
Re: why cant wc get much respect from customers
« Reply #29 on: January 27, 2010, 10:11:16 pm »
Matt, i genuinely thought it was coherent. I have a customer who is bouncing cheques on me. that person is the solicitor who handled my wifes side of the divorce. she now bouncing me for£80. I will ask again, what do i do? It was messy divorce, she's realised who i am. Its a tricky situation here.


Re: why cant wc get much respect from customers
« Reply #30 on: January 27, 2010, 10:45:41 pm »
I don’t thing she will hold anything against you for your divorce, You were just money to her .I would write her a very nice letter  addressed to work place and her secretary will open she will tell most other staff . Keep it nice and sweet so she cannot fault you.


  • Posts: 4
Re: why cant wc get much respect from customers
« Reply #31 on: January 27, 2010, 11:10:53 pm »
nice one wizard, been cleaning windows since 1994, but captain para took over on this one. very good idea, its not the money, its the eight months of abuse ye? appreciate your reply, i had put the question to my school teacher girlfriend and me bestest who runs a massive industrial plumbing company. blank faces, guess some people should read the heading of the thread and open their minds to the bigger picture. listening to some of them of here who have never lost a customer etc. total, total nonsense. you tell them the sight is being plagued by suppliers and they throw the toys out the pram. embarresing to be a window cleaner. they wonder why people look down on them? My favs are how much do you earn and where do you buy your poles? everybody knows poles available now in any town in britain. they'll work harder and cheaper than you lot. pathetic


Re: why cant wc get much respect from customers
« Reply #32 on: January 27, 2010, 11:19:57 pm »
wizard, are you a girl window cleaner or a bloke with long hair?? i cant work out your thingy. picture


Re: why cant wc get much respect from customers
« Reply #33 on: January 27, 2010, 11:21:06 pm »
There is a very good reason why we have these rude people that do tread most service people. That is because they just were never taught to be polite to people. They use rudeness and intimidation to get there way. In short they are just rubbish. The true problem How do we deal with it.
In the business world they call it practise and procedures. This is what you learn a business school and does not come naturally to most of us and that includes me swell.
What you need to do is make up a list in writing of a what you will tolerate and what not and thing of how you will respond to its Which is a practice or response to that action and always react with you well though response. This is better and more effected planned in hind sight when we are very smart. Its advisable to discuss this on a forum or with a mentor, some one out side your business with no emotional tie to your business.
Procedures:  is your response to that situation. What you will do to prevent or stop that type of business repine fro customers or people you deal with and that is ever one to come is contact with is business.
E.G. Custys says leave the windows till next month. You then say I am sorry but I cannot accept door step cancellations as on the back of your invoice and on the quote slip when we agree to do your window. All cancellation will have to be cancelled at least 7 day in advance or the clean will have to be paid for by the customer at the door step cancellation and you show them on the invoice. Decent people even if they are having bad hair day will satin up and pay, the other are just yobs and don’t know better. Drop these crappy custys at once. Window cleaner ! custys nil.
Practice are always what must happen ,when and who pays . This takes ball , but the more you do it the easer it get. The best way to win this fear of crap is to make out that you have not made these procedures or rules. It make the custys think you are on there side . E G traffic with a ticket you cannot hate him it’s the law.
 As time goes by you will find that all your problems have a very small range and once you find solution to there actions, business will be a joy. I am sorry its so long but I do want to help improve the lot for us all .


Re: why cant wc get much respect from customers
« Reply #34 on: January 27, 2010, 11:27:07 pm »


Re: why cant wc get much respect from customers
« Reply #35 on: January 27, 2010, 11:43:07 pm »
most think a window cleaner is the stan ogdan type of person, its a stereotype and its still true today

you can drive a new van, dress in a uniform, wear a ID badge, dress it up all you like and it still comes down down to , your a window cleaner

you might feel you can change the publics perception, but when push comes to show, many window cleaners in the old days used to be on the dole and do it for a bit of beer money, thats how many see you


  • Posts: 25121
Re: why cant wc get much respect from customers
« Reply #36 on: January 27, 2010, 11:43:29 pm »
Matt, i genuinely thought it was coherent. I have a customer who is bouncing cheques on me. that person is the solicitor who handled my wifes side of the divorce. she now bouncing me for£80. I will ask again, what do i do? It was messy divorce, she's realised who i am. Its a tricky situation here.

First of all stop cleaning for her. Then put in writing what and why you want her to pay and saying that further action will be taken if she doesn't cough up. Also tell her that as she has bounced a cheque then you believe this is fraud and that you will put this in any claim you make as evidence of her expressed intention to pay and that she was happy with your service.

Forget she is a solicitor and fill out a small claims form and put it through her door. Look how to do this on HMCS website (Her Majesty's Court Service) - you can also do it on line nowadays.

I have done this to a solicitor for office equipment and got my money (about six hundred pounds).

Write a letter outlining the debts and when they occured - give her seven days to pay and enclose a photocopy of a prepared small claims form. Explain that if she hasn't responded satisfactorily within the allotted time then you will process the claim.

As a solicitor she will not want to be on the wrong end of a genuine claim believe me.

Alternatively or as well if she's fleeced you already just stand outside her house or office with a placard when her neighbours will see! Turn up at her offices and loudly tell the receptionist you are there to see Mrs Checkbownce about her window cleaning debt!
It's a game of three halves!


Re: why cant wc get much respect from customers
« Reply #37 on: January 28, 2010, 12:45:23 am »
In one of my business in another country we would enlarge the cheque and stick it in the business window. With all the bank reject stamps on it   But I believe you cannot do it here. Very embarrassing for the client.


  • Posts: 689
Re: why cant wc get much respect from customers
« Reply #38 on: January 28, 2010, 09:49:36 pm »
no matter if you have a decent van top of the range pure water "hot" system a uniform the lot you will always be "the window cleaner" we are preceved as not the sharpest tools in the shed and to most people its an easy living they only use us as most dont like hights so wont get their ladders out or cant be bothered to spend a saturday morning doing them them selves and whilst people still have the vision of stan ogden  the attitude wont change  one reason ive retrained and am slowly giving the windows up