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Henry Roberts

  • Posts: 84
Near Large fire in Truckmount
« on: December 12, 2009, 10:20:40 am »
Did daily oil check on TM but I must have caught the Live cable from Battery to starter whilst sliding machine cover back on.
Anyhow, turned up at job and fired machine up to warm up while I ran hoses into house only to find minutes later smoke coming out of machine. I immediately turned machine off and pulled machine cover back to find live cable had moved onto exhaust diverter box and was well on fire also totally severed through and sparks everywhere!!. Panic set in as I had just filled up with petrol but luckily I was able to extinguish fire.
Whole lot could so easily gone up in flames and just makes you realise how important it is to check machine over and also carry a fire extinuisher.
Anyhow managed to get porty over to do job and guess what todays job is? New cables!!

Joe H

Re: Near Large fire in Truckmount
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2009, 04:36:51 pm »
Mark Shannons virtually new Hydramaster TM went up in flames soon after he got it - operator error (nothing to do with the machine).

Following that I went out and bought a fire extinguisher from Lidl.

mark shannon

  • Posts: 961
Re: Near Large fire in Truckmount
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2009, 05:00:01 pm »
Thanks for reminding everyone Joe ;) Fire extinguisher essential saved my TM and van

Mark Lawrence

  • Posts: 288
Re: Near Large fire in Truckmount
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2009, 09:33:34 am »
What extinguishers do you use? co2 or powder?




  • Posts: 203
Re: Near Large fire in Truckmount
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2009, 10:48:33 am »
That's one of the major benefits of the Bane Clene System - no liquid fuels just a 3 pin plug (which the customer pays for). There are regularly horror stories in the American trade press about petrol truckmounts blowing up. When you add in low running costs, quiet in operation and the fact that the equipment has a proven lifespan of 20+ years you start to see that the cost per operational hour is incredibly low.

Joe H

Re: Near Large fire in Truckmount
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2009, 12:44:07 pm »
There is still danger with electricity - especially when worked near water - and I think carpet cleaners tend to work with water a lot.