HI ALL :I KNEW I was going to get some stick over this question but in industry they water soften the water 1st,I was told this was a waste of time but reading through regenerating di resin on search web
I now know I was right by what I was asking [would it help to water soften 1st]
Some of the industry leaders dont know what they are on about,and I challenge them to prove me wrong.[cus Ive done my research and got the websites to prove it}the only problem Ive got is I get called for not being able to put links in
Also Im sure that if you put spent resin in front of a r/o unit it would be purer than tap water,so save your membrane . now this I admit I maybe wrong till I find the answer from recearching it, maybe nobody has thought of this being a new industry to the uk.
see item ebay 4382090840 you could put your spent polishing resin in to one of these you ro users
If knowone ever challenged the way you do something the wheel wouldnt have been invented now would it?