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  • Posts: 368
quick question to see wether wcpro is correct or not
« on: December 03, 2009, 06:11:02 pm »
ok so say i complete a job this week, say the 30th, if its on a 4 week schedule when would it be due?

28th or 4th?

Window Washers

  • Posts: 9036
Re: quick question to see wether wcpro is correct or not
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2009, 06:13:00 pm »
ok so say i complete a job this week, say the 30th, if its on a 4 week schedule when would it be due?

28th or 4th?
if done on 30th decemeber it would be due on the 27th jan if on 4 weekly
If your not willing to learn, No one can help you, If you are determined to learn, No one can stop you ;)


  • Posts: 368
Re: quick question to see wether wcpro is correct or not
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2009, 06:13:40 pm »
yes well my wcpro is scheduling for the 4th( the week after) so im losing out on a load of work!!!!! does anyone know how to change this


  • Posts: 663
Re: quick question to see wether wcpro is correct or not
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2009, 06:14:02 pm »
ok so say i complete a job this week, say the 30th, if its on a 4 week schedule when would it be due?

28th or 4th?

If you have it on 4 week schedule then it would be 28th


  • Posts: 368
Re: quick question to see wether wcpro is correct or not
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2009, 06:15:13 pm »
yes but for some reason mine is scheduling for the 4th, btw i meant if it is done on the 30th of november and then 28th december and 4th of jan


  • Posts: 663
Re: quick question to see wether wcpro is correct or not
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2009, 06:16:04 pm »
yes well my wcpro is scheduling for the 4th( the week after) so im losing out on a load of work!!!!! does anyone know how to change this

I have just maintained a job that was due on 30th Nov and it scheduled it for 28th. Make sure that you have the system set up as schedule from Due date and not cleaned date if you want it to always follow a 4 week schedule


  • Posts: 368
Re: quick question to see wether wcpro is correct or not
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2009, 06:18:35 pm »
mine is set for cleaned date because sometimes if i dont get to do it, then it is done the week after, surely it should stick to scheduling 4 weeks after the cleaned date not 5 weeks after


  • Posts: 663
Re: quick question to see wether wcpro is correct or not
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2009, 06:20:38 pm »
mine is set for cleaned date because sometimes if i dont get to do it, then it is done the week after, surely it should stick to scheduling 4 weeks after the cleaned date not 5 weeks after

I agree, can you send me your database (About -> Send Database) and let me know the customer and Ill take a look



  • Posts: 368
Re: quick question to see wether wcpro is correct or not
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2009, 06:24:08 pm »
its for all customers as far as i can tell


  • Posts: 368
Re: quick question to see wether wcpro is correct or not
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2009, 06:45:09 pm »
this isnt good, ive been missing out on a week every 4 weeks, how can i sort this


  • Posts: 663
Re: quick question to see wether wcpro is correct or not
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2009, 06:46:38 pm »
this isnt good, ive been missing out on a week every 4 weeks, how can i sort this

The only way I can see what the problem is, is by looking at your data. If you send it to me I will look at this tonight.




  • Posts: 368
Re: quick question to see wether wcpro is correct or not
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2009, 08:46:12 pm »
hi ian, sent database at 20.45



  • Posts: 663
Re: quick question to see wether wcpro is correct or not
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2009, 08:49:03 pm »
hi ian, sent database at 20.45


No problem, I am stuck in the middle of another problem so Ill probably get round to looking at this later this evening or tomorrow.




  • Posts: 368
Re: quick question to see wether wcpro is correct or not
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2009, 09:00:52 pm »


  • Posts: 663
Re: quick question to see wether wcpro is correct or not
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2009, 09:29:21 pm »

Hi Joe,

The problem is that you have told the system that the next due date can ONLY be on certain days. In this instance if you are booking a job that was due say 28th Nov but you only mananged to do this today 3rd Dec, the system has schedule forward 4 weeks which works out Thursday 31st Dec. Since you have told the system to only do this job on a monday it has rolled forward to the 4th Jan.

There are a few options:

1) You can change the roll direction to forwards(default) or backwards. In the case above it would then schedule for 28th Dec.
2) Take off the day restrictions and let the system just schedule 4 weeks from the day you did the job
3) Change the system to shedule 4 weeks from due date rather than cleaned date.
4) If you really want to keep the work in weekly order the instead of using the daily restrictions then you can use the week in month instead

Hope that makes sense, let me know if you need any more help

