thinking starting on the weekends as my hours at work have been cut by over 50%. i did abit of window cleaing with my brother a couple of years ago but he stopped doing it due to better career opportunity.
i got a standard window cleaning kit with the squeegees, clothes, buckects and ladders from when my brother gave up the work..
i currently abit stuck weather to start up as i am going to go the traditional way at first and then hoepfully build up enough work to get a properly equipped vehicle. bad thing about this is i dont currently have a car as it died juast after xmas last year. will this affect my opportunity to go ahead or not? obviously i cant travel as far but just want some feedback if i can from you lot.. the professionals..
maybe i was thinking helping out the local window cleaner but i can never get hold of him as i miss him when he comes.
any ideas or suggestions?