Now I am been deadly serious here, just got back in fro doing a job just around the corner from me, 1 bed, h/s/l and lounge. i arrived at appointed time, walked in not an item of any description anywhere, even bed removed into other room, and then I noticed some doors had been removed . Door into lounge, door into kitchen and all doors leading off the landing upstairs , the only doors still left on were the airing cupboard and a understairs cupboad.Curiosity got the better of me so i asked where are the doors? The answer, " my husband took them all off and stacked them in the garage, thought it might make your job a little easier"
Guess what ? It certainly does make the job simpler!!!
What a thoughtful custy. I did explain their really was no need, but she just said "oh its no problem, he will soon have them back on