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  • Posts: 530
Thread bare carpets
« on: May 31, 2005, 08:48:13 pm »
Probably a daft question can you encounter any problems cleaning a thread bare carpet. A woman has asked me to clean a old 100% wool axminster carpet which has about 5 areas of thread bare (crazy) she lives in a rather big house seaview etc and looks as though she has plenty of money and has told me she just wants the carpets spruced up a bit before they are replaced next year.


john rees

  • Posts: 391
Re: Thread bare carpets
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2005, 08:52:13 pm »
if it's a pale colour and hessian backed possibly browning I would have thought? I'd try going around the baldy bits for fear of doing more damage :)