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  • Posts: 167
Omni-vac. Has the investment been worth it?
« on: October 22, 2009, 09:26:20 am »
Hi all,

To you who have purchased one. Has it been worth the investment? If it has been well promoted, what has the response been?  As we know we hear all sorts on this forum regarding vacs. Let's see if we can have a true response to the above questions.



stephen s

Re: Omni-vac. Has the investment been worth it?
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2009, 10:35:30 am »
I only bought mine about 6-8 weeks ago but have already done work with it which has resulted in 40% of the outlay  and thats without really pushing it.

I' still very much in the learning zone regarding technique and quoting but like everything its a learning process where the more jobs you do the better you become.

over the next few weeks I intend to get some flyers done and I'm confident that by Xmas my Omni-vac  will have more than paid for itself which means the investment was well worth it.

The one thing I did ask myself was what did I expect from the gutter vac with regards to my business so I have set myself a target for me to bring in an extra 10K p.a  to the business,    even with just domestic work I feel this is very much achievable and I'm sure there are people on here who do 2,3,4 or even 5 times that  and I think a very good add on to any window cleaning service.

also feedback from customers have been excellent


  • Posts: 4694
Re: Omni-vac. Has the investment been worth it?
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2009, 10:40:38 am »
I don't have one so can't comment. What I will say is that for me (diy) it's been a bit seasonal - gutter clearing seems to have gone quiet for the moment because people are waiting for the fall of leaves to finish in many cases.

Sean Dyer

  • Posts: 2947
Re: Omni-vac. Has the investment been worth it?
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2009, 11:47:31 am »
thats what i am waiting for, dont hav vac, but its something im thinking of for next year

I have a contact who has a good website for gutter cleaning in my area but no longer uses it (long story) but he sells me all leads now, so with my own websites, and customer base, i am hoping gutters keep me very busy , got a friend out of work at prsent , im wondering if he would want some gutter work :)


  • Posts: 72
Re: Omni-vac. Has the investment been worth it?
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2009, 01:27:18 pm »
Only had ours for a few weeks now (not omni), have done a couple of domestic jobs. We clean mostly blockpaving and when you mention the vac to customers they seem to think its just a bit of a gimmick. We offer it to them so when we go back to do the sanding we can can do the gutters aswell. I think you will easily get a return on the money after a while, dont think I would expect to make a fortune from it but maybe look at it as an added bonus. Commercial seems to be the way to go but so far just getting knocked back by them but will keep trying, do your homework aswell because a lot of commercial want you to be in the safecontractor scheme which is what we are going thru now, hopfully this will open the door to more commercial work.

Steve CM

Re: Omni-vac. Has the investment been worth it?
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2009, 02:28:41 pm »
i've done 4 gutter jobs in 2 weeks. if you push it the works there


  • Posts: 167
Re: Omni-vac. Has the investment been worth it?
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2009, 01:00:39 pm »
Hi All,

Thanks for the reply's. I must admit with all the talk of vacs on here I thought the response would be greater. Prehaps  Ill hold of a little longer before I think of getting one.



Glyn H

Re: Omni-vac. Has the investment been worth it?
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2009, 01:07:41 pm »
Editorial from Cleaning & Maintenance Magazine CM
We had no input in this article the editor went on to buy his own system and set up a staffed Gutter cleaning business


  • Posts: 231
Re: Omni-vac. Has the investment been worth it?
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2009, 04:53:05 pm »
im interested in buying one of these do clean it up members get any discount.