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  • Posts: 1356
Undercutting fellow WC's
« on: October 20, 2009, 07:09:26 pm »
If I'm out canvassing for work on the other side of town, how will I know how my prices compare ?

The last thing I want to do is undercut anyone but if I quote to do a job for say £10 and there's another Windy doing similar houses on the estate for £12 then it won't go down very well with him. So what's the answer ???

The pen is mightier than the sword (and a lot easier to write with!)


  • Posts: 648
Re: Undercutting fellow WC's
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2009, 07:11:58 pm »
If they say they have a window cleaner, say thanks and leave them a card incase he dissapears. Say your not interested in taking someone else' work. This is what I do and move onto the next house.

Your not undercutting if they dont already clean the property your quoting really are you!?


Re: Undercutting fellow WC's
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2009, 07:14:31 pm »
Why do so may window cleaners get paranoid about other window cleaners,if you have a price for certain jobs that "that`s your price" don`t start lip quivering about other window cleaners and thier prices theres plenty of work out there believe me if you look there is  ;)


Re: Undercutting fellow WC's
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2009, 07:16:43 pm »
there is no answer really,  price a job with what ur happy with,  most custy will say they have a window cleaners, but u will get the odd one who will ask a price then say i got one but ur cheaper or they are cheaper, i jad one the other week,  knocked an estate and got a few of them, then started knocking bunglows and had a few of them say how much then that is ok, but can you started next month so i can get rid of the wc i have got, as he has just done them,   some custy aint worth having they will always go with the cheaper price,  

what i find a lot of it no thank you i have got a window cleaner, then when you are doing next door, they ask you to do theres,  and make up so crap about there window cleaners leaving


  • Posts: 1356
Re: Undercutting fellow WC's
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2009, 07:36:29 pm »
Why do so may window cleaners get paranoid about other window cleaners,if you have a price for certain jobs that "that`s your price" don`t start lip quivering about other window cleaners and thier prices theres plenty of work out there believe me if you look there is  ;)

I never said I was paranoid, just don't want to step on other peoples toes and get a bad reputation. Surely it's better if we can all get on together rather than squabble over price differences.
The pen is mightier than the sword (and a lot easier to write with!)

Murdie window cleaning

  • Posts: 654
Re: Undercutting fellow WC's
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2009, 07:45:48 pm »
Your price is just that ,"YOUR" price if your a pound or two cheaper or dearer than another window cleaner then so be it. As long as you don't go knowingly pinching there custies then there is no worrys.

I know there are cleaners that are cheaper than me, but if I had a custie jump ship to save a quid or two then good ridance.

bobby p

Re: Undercutting fellow WC's
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2009, 07:58:38 am »
if i ever come across somebod who already has a cleaner ,i just say a pleasant ta-ta and leave as quik as . never leav my details . theres a lot of funny beggars out there ,who may get you months later if you knowingly poach work.

as has been said before,theres plenty of windows elsewhere so no need to undercut

Re: Undercutting fellow WC's
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2009, 08:26:00 am »
if you are giving your price and you don't know what others charge, then how can that be undercutting? ;)
"I'll do it for two quid less than your current window cleaner" is undercutting >:(
so don't worry about it, if you can sleep at night and put food on the table then life is good :)


  • Posts: 25119
Re: Undercutting fellow WC's New
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2009, 03:36:26 pm »
Just rarely you'll get a threat and even more rarely you'll have someone carry thru' on that threat. (You know - "the mypatchgerofforI'llbreakyerlegsoryermotah" type.) I believe it's more prevalent ooop North in the shadow of the great satanic mills, tho'.  ;D

In 12 years I've had one phone call (about 10 years ago) of the above type and then when he saw me out and about he came over all injured that I was on his patch. We had a "I've been here longer than you" "No you haven't" "Yes I have" type of confrontation and it ended with me reassuring him I wouldn't try and nick his custies nor he mine.

He was a bit of a doley type and disappeared about a year later. Much cheaper than me and it's been a long haul bringing the patch's err... areas  ;D prices up over the last ten years.
It's a game of three halves!

Murdie window cleaning

  • Posts: 654
Re: Undercutting fellow WC's
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2009, 03:43:38 pm »
Do folks know what all the other cleaners in you area charge ? I've only got a rough idea what some charge, I know what I need to charge so that is my price. If my prices are higher or lower then I'm not overly bothered, I do a good job and charge a fair price.


Re: Undercutting fellow WC's
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2009, 04:03:38 pm »
Just rarely you'll get a threat and even more rarely you'll have someone carry thru' on that threat. (You know - "the mypatchgerofforI'llbreakyerlegsoryermotah" type.) I beleive it's more prevalent ooop North in the shadow of the great satanic mills, tho'.  ;D

In 12 years I've had one phone call (about 10 years ago) of the above type and then when he saw me out and about he came over all injured that I was on his patch. We had a "I've been here longer than you" "No you haven't" "Yes I have" type of confrontation and it ended with me reassuring him I wouldn't try and nick his custies nor he mine.

He was a bit of a doley type and disappeared about a year later. Much cheaper than me and it's been a long haul bringing the patch's err... areas  ;D prices up over the last ten years.

I've never once had an issue about this but maybe it's because I'm built like a brick outhouse  ;D .  Not that I'm a threat to anyone but they don't know that.  The biggest probelem, as you say Malc, is getting the prices to where they should be.  Not so bad a while back but a bit more difficult in the past year or two.


Re: Undercutting fellow WC's
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2009, 04:22:50 pm »
If I'm out canvassing for work on the other side of town, how will I know how my prices compare ?

The last thing I want to do is undercut anyone but if I quote to do a job for say £10 and there's another Windy doing similar houses on the estate for £12 then it won't go down very well with him. So what's the answer ???


I never understand this worrying about undercutting. We all run a business, if the price you quote is what you need to run your business in profit then who cares about undercutting someone else - thats their problem. You never see Asda worrying when they undercut Tesco. Theres no friends in business.