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Afterglow Window Cleaners

  • Posts: 256
Help with new starter issues please....
« on: October 20, 2009, 05:01:42 pm »
Hi Guys (and gals if any)

Firstly I would like to congratulate you all on this helpful and informative forum, I have read a lot of good advice here since starting up a couple of weeks ago. I am really enjoying wc atm but I am struggling in a couple of areas.

I have recently started up and I am having trouble in a couple of areas so would appreciate and helpful comments.

Firstly I am quite short (5'7") and with some 1st floor windows, with my ladder resting below the sills, I cannot reach the top of the windows. These are tall bay type windows, I also have trouble reaching round the angled bay part when I cannot put my ladders by them. What would be the best tools to help me reach these difficult areas (no, I cant afford wfp)

Also when using trad pole from the ground, what are the best attachments, I have a vice versa and fixi clamp already, would I benefit with a wagtail/any other accessories. Finally, what is the best way to tell if the high windows you have just cleaned are a good standard as I cant always tell from the ground.



Sapphire Window Cleaning

  • Posts: 2942
Re: Help with new starter issues please....
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2009, 05:18:38 pm »
With the ladders, I usually pitch my ladders (when I ever use them) above the window.

Reaching parts traditional window cleaners can not reach.

Re: Help with new starter issues please....
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2009, 05:20:56 pm »
Hi Guys (and gals if any)

Firstly I would like to congratulate you all on this helpful and informative forum, I have read a lot of good advice here since starting up a couple of weeks ago. I am really enjoying wc atm but I am struggling in a couple of areas.

I have recently started up and I am having trouble in a couple of areas so would appreciate and helpful comments.

Firstly I am quite short (5'7") and with some 1st floor windows, with my ladder resting below the sills, I cannot reach the top of the windows. These are tall bay type windows, I also have trouble reaching round the angled bay part when I cannot put my ladders by them. What would be the best tools to help me reach these difficult areas (no, I cant afford wfp)

Also when using trad pole from the ground, what are the best attachments, I have a vice versa and fixi clamp already, would I benefit with a wagtail/any other accessories. Finally, what is the best way to tell if the high windows you have just cleaned are a good standard as I cant always tell from the ground.



Well I suppose the best way would be to invest in a water fed pole system. As that's not yet an option so next suggestion is to buy a pair of ladder mitts or similar.  These fit onto the top of your ladder.  They will enable you to rest your ladder on the sill in reasonable safety.  They prevent sideways slipping and sill marking.  This will give you a bit of extra reach (please please do not over reach.  Too many people in early graves through trying to save an extra ladder climb).  This could also assist with reaching the bay as you can often fit one stile either side of the bay's corner (remembering that if you are on soft ground the ladder will sink a little once you're on it).
As for trad pole accessories, I recommend the swiv loc range.  An applicator that swivels at the neck.  Also, two squeegees - one at the normal angle and another that is known as zero degree (no angle).  These were vital tools for me before I went to WFP.  In fact, I started using the swivloc applicator as my standard tool because I found I got much less wrist ache if the applicator was doing the twisting instead of my wrist (wait for the jokers !!).
Wagtails are OK too but take a bit more getting used to.  Also, no zero degree facility with a wagtail.

Craig 72

  • Posts: 526
Re: Help with new starter issues please....
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2009, 05:32:18 pm »
When I first started I thought wfp would be too expensive but it's not too bad if you go with a wcw backpack etc.Takes so much hassle out of doing awkward windows.

Afterglow Window Cleaners

  • Posts: 256
Re: Help with new starter issues please....
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2009, 06:12:10 pm »
Thanks for your replies, the windows I am having trouble with go right up to the roofline so I cannot rest my ladder above them Matt, is this where a good standoff would come in handy so my ladder could go higher without resting on the sills (or windows!!)

I will look at the other accessories suggested, thanks all


Re: Help with new starter issues please....
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2009, 06:29:55 pm »
a wagtail has a far longer handle than regular squeegees  , make sure you also buy the wagtail angle arm .its only a few quid,  a VERY  handy thing and u will easily each those high windows u mention . pitch your ladder below the sill


Re: Help with new starter issues please....
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2009, 06:42:06 pm »
hi i am too am short 5"6  and i bought a 19foot unger pole which does most first floors, i suggest you buy one of these, as i found that i used this more than ladders then ended up going wfp

Afterglow Window Cleaners

  • Posts: 256
Re: Help with new starter issues please....
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2009, 07:15:45 pm »
I have a pole, but I dont feel happy using it atm, just cant seem to do as good a job as by hand....

I have the unger teleplus, so would a wagtail fit it or would I need the unger swivel loc??? sorry for so many questions but I know if I get the right equipment now, it will save me hassles in the future.

Many thanks, Gaz


Re: Help with new starter issues please....
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2009, 07:36:31 pm »
working with a pole is down to practice . if you do it EVeryday you will soon get the hang of it .  you certainly need a swivel squeegee ,either a wagtail or the other makes .  far as i know , any trad squeegee fits on any trad pole  ,wagtail fits  unger /ettore/quickie poles for sure

i use the wagtail angle arm on the pole ,this allows you to close out  without the pole hitting on the sill .     i dont do  downward pulls with the squeegee  as it leaves streaks .  either fan the window or  go across sideaways  if its  a very awkward  one

one  tip is to Not stand directly below the window when using the pole- stand to one side as this makes it easier and you can see the glass a lot better . 


Re: Help with new starter issues please....
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2009, 09:08:41 pm »
I have a unger pole but found it to long and heavy at times.B & Q brought an ANZA pole of 2 foot and one of 3-5foot both well onder 9 pound do take a look at them they have a double lock an them and I just drilled a second hole oppersite the one on the sqeegee and mot.THIS GIVE ME CONTROL WHEN WORKING FROM THE SIDE OF THE WINDOW.They are due to liteness easy to handle from this side and will extend your arm length. Good luck.

Window Washers

  • Posts: 9036
Re: Help with new starter issues please....
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2009, 09:18:45 pm »
not thought of an A frame ?

if that has already been said sorry
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