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Phillip Mold

  • Posts: 594
Any CFR Eco 500 Users?
« on: September 11, 2009, 05:26:44 pm »
I'm thinking of buying one, but would appreaciate any feedback. Also if anyone in range of Warwick would let me try theirs I would be grateful.
Doing the best job in the world as well as I can

Adam Fearnley

  • Posts: 269
Re: Any CFR Eco 500 Users?
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2009, 07:59:15 pm »
Yup I got one.  Nice and compact, goodlooking, powerful, good heater.  Just make sure all the nuts and screws are tight when you get it.  She's a good girl.

Phillip Mold

  • Posts: 594
Re: Any CFR Eco 500 Users?
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2009, 11:35:29 pm »
Been using it for a month now, but the pump is not delivering any pressure. Rang the guys up, was told probably an air lock, just run the pumpo with no load. Tried it, seemed to work, then dropped to zero again whiulst on a job today (Sunday). Back home to swap it for the trusty ninja, will be back on the phone tomorrow.
Doing the best job in the world as well as I can