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  • Posts: 4694
Dispatches on telly
« on: September 14, 2009, 08:41:24 pm »
Middleclass and jobless - makes me glad i'm a lowly window cleaner watching this.  :-\


  • Posts: 600
Re: Dispatches on telly
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2009, 08:48:29 pm »
lasy year they looked down on us

now they want our jobs

last time round j majors effort the middle classes went into all sorts of jobs cleaners cooks ect and raised the bar so the unskilled working class lost out  ie; nvq to be a lollypop lady ect ect now they are back this time we have 3 mil new commers in the countrry and the middle classes depressing our wages 
sod thatchers britain .............sorry blairs................. britain sorry browns britain  boy oh boy how nothing has changed since i left school in 76