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« on: September 03, 2009, 06:34:19 pm »

Hi guys

Been asked to clean the carpet in my local curry house and o yes its grease patch's every where. I have got a sebo duo (brown machine with the twin brush's) which i use to brush in my pre spary (pre spary gold) on normal jobs but not if it will be any good on this job?? i will be using HWE machine more help the better pls guys
Thanks ;D ;D ;D

Ricky M

  • Posts: 852
Re: Help!!
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2009, 08:07:07 pm »
depends on how bad it is and do you know your way around the diff chems on the market , which CC courses have you done to date ?
              NCCA !? but why have non of my clients herd of them ??


  • Posts: 454
Re: Help!!
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2009, 08:20:05 pm »
The Sebo will not be much good on this type of job and the same goes for the prespray gold. Get yourself a cheap standard speed rotary machine with carpet brush for agitation, you can also use this for bonneting. There are a multitude of detergents to use, Chemspec enzall, Prochem powerburst, Hydramaster fastbreak etc, to name but a few. Make sure you use an acid rinse. If you are feeling energetic get a carpet brush, this will do a better job than the Duo.


Re: Help!!
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2009, 08:29:24 pm »
How bad is the soiling and what sized area is the job?  The duo will work to some degree but is out of its depth on very heavy soiling and will take forever on a big area.

With 2 of you working, If you could break up the worst of the caked-on grease with a bigger machine and then after some dwell time the 2nd man follows up with the duo on the traffic lanes, there might be some use for it.

To put things into perspective, I do a very greasy restaurant of 1200ft² with a 15" and a 19" rotary running (there's 2 of us, I'm not that clever ;D).  I wouldn't want to use anything much less productive than those machines.

Paul Simpson

  • Posts: 999
Re: Help!!
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2009, 08:37:33 pm »
As others have said already.
Sebo won't have much impact on it, although I did my very first one with a Sebo I remember back now and realise how much harder it was when compared to a rotary or Envirodri.
Probably took 50% more time & effort than it would today.
I've found Powerburst with acidic rinse does the job for me, cleaning in small sections rather than spraying the whole floor area.
If you plan on using the Sebo, as Derek says make sure you have a good carpet brush for the more stubborn areas.