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Re: wheres Tosh????
« Reply #20 on: July 01, 2009, 09:07:46 am »
Hi guys,

I'm still here and still running a small cheese window cleaning business.  But I'm happy, healthy, and worry free, so that's all that really matters I guess.

I think a more honest explanation of why I stopped posting in this area of the forum is that I stopped drinking alcohol a few months ago - I'm now tee-total - and the desire to abuse Ronnie Patton just disappeared.  ;D

Shame really, I enjoyed the banter, but Ronnie is on my Step 8 and 9 list, so he'll be hearing from me shortly.  (There's a secret joke in there somewhere for fellow members of my club).

Anyway, it's nice to have been missed,  Thank you.

Interesting post.  Welcome to the "club".
Just keep away from step 13.


Sorry, but I'm going to show my total ignorance: What's "step 13"?

You'll find out soon enough if you ever do it   :)

Re: wheres Tosh????
« Reply #21 on: July 01, 2009, 09:11:19 am »
It doesnt really matter anyway Tosh, I was joking really; however, stick to your decision, and live by those 12 spiritual principles  ;)

I'm trying, fella!  But we're not a glum lot are we?

Absolutely not.  Once I got into it and things settled down, the biggest laugh of all was at my own head.
Whoever first said that "truth is stranger than fiction" certainly knew what they were talking about   :)