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Sapphire Window Cleaning

  • Posts: 2942
DI Vessel Fittings
« on: June 20, 2009, 09:58:29 am »
Hi guys can anyone tell me if you can attach a 12mm hose to a 10inch DI Vessel.
The hoses that I have going in and going out of the vessel are 5mm Blue and White hose.

Reaching parts traditional window cleaners can not reach.

Sapphire Window Cleaning

  • Posts: 2942
Re: DI Vessel Fittings
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2009, 11:41:26 am »
could I get any fixings so i can attach half inch hose to my DI vessel?
Reaching parts traditional window cleaners can not reach.

Alex Gardiner

  • Posts: 7740
Re: DI Vessel Fittings
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2009, 11:50:12 am »
You have several options:

Most DIY vessels come with a 3/4" female screw thread. You could simply fit a 3/4" male screw to 1/2" hose barb to either side and then your 1/2" hose could jubilee clip on.

Most suppliers send DI vessels out complete with male hoselock on either side of the DI.  This means you would need to attach female hoselock fittings to your 1/2" hose.

Another option is to fit 1/2" female John Guest fittings to the DI and then fit 1/2" barb to 1/2" male John Guest to your 1/2" hose and then they'll simply push together.

Sapphire Window Cleaning

  • Posts: 2942
Re: DI Vessel Fittings
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2009, 11:58:09 am »
Alex I am using a 10inch Vessel with 5mm hose locked into place by plastic clips.
Reaching parts traditional window cleaners can not reach.

Alex Gardiner

  • Posts: 7740
Re: DI Vessel Fittings New
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2009, 12:03:44 pm »
Whoops, didn't read your first post properly!

You need to unscrew the John Guest plastic fittings from the housing and screw in a 1/4" male screw to 1/2" barb nylon fitting as shown below (middle fitting):