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Adam P

  • Posts: 1448
HELP NEEDED - First commercial clean possible
« on: June 25, 2009, 10:55:25 pm »
hi there

need a bit of help. i recently started my own cleaning business which has been going well. i run it with my partner and we have over 4 years experience cleaning in both domestic and commercial properties however we have never had to deal with getting a commercial contract before.

tomorrow i will be meeting with a local dentist to provide a clean 3 times a week after closing time for onyl 1 hour-ish.

i am getting worried though that we will make a load of mistakes tomorrow and miss out on a great opporunity so hoping i can get some advice.

first question: if they do decide to go with us how does the contract work, in that will we go and right one up for them, will they write it for us.

second which is more important, pricing.: i have worked commercially for many years but never knew what the companies i worked for were actually getting, i.e. i would get £7 per hour, but how much would the company get on top. so really how much extra should i charge without sounding too cheap that we'll be rubbish or too expensive that they'll run a mile.

i can't think of anything else atm though i'm sure there is many questions to ask.

any other tips you can offer for tomo i'd really appreciate.

i look forward to hearnig your replies.

edit: remembered another one. if we have to supply all the products and equipment which most likely will be the case, then do companies just pay out of their pocket for tjhis and make it up from the cleaning in the week, or do they charge an initial fee e.g. £100 for the equipment needed then we keep buying bins etc.


  • Posts: 275
Re: HELP NEEDED - First commercial clean possible
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2009, 11:14:21 pm »
hi there

First tip is dress as your client will be dressed (no not as a dentist!), but that just means go fairly smart as its a work/professional environment.

I always ask them loads of questions about their expectations, requirements, etc and then try and tailor the service to suit.  That way you can say 'well if you have an hour per visit we can do this, but if you allowed a little more time, we can really make sure everything is first rate and schedule in extras such as cleaning the windows, etc'. 

Also, offer to provide toilet rolls, hand towels, etc as you can add 10% mark up to these and get them on the internet so no hassle, but remember these are invoiced as a separate item and are not included in the hourly rate.

Your rate should reflect what you pay your staff, plus an allowance for holiday pay, cleaning materials, equipment costs spread over the contract, employers NI and then a % for general business & management expenses.  My minimum rate is £13.50 per hour commercial.

You must provide the contract yourself.  Go for a minimum 12 month contract with a fair notice period.  Other members may be able to provide something better than my terms & conditions but you are welcome to a copy if you email me.  I always charge on the 1st of the month for that months cleaning in advance, which is payable on the last day of the month - keeps the cashflow relatively healthy!

Lastly, don't forget to ask if they want to go ahead and book it now.  Don't waste time writing a quote and sending it unless they insist.  I always take my paperwork with me and complete it all there and then, take keys and its all sorted in one visit.  Lets face it for 3 hours per week you don't want to spend hours just getting the contract signed!

Hope that helps and good luck!


Adam P

  • Posts: 1448
Re: HELP NEEDED - First commercial clean possible
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2009, 11:59:58 pm »
thanks a bunch for the reply diane, has really helped :)

when you say £13.50 is minimum, does that include everything else you mentioned, e.g. percentage for business/staff/staff holiday etc? or is that just for yourself?

i'm thinking around the £50/60 area for 3 hours a week of 1 hour per visit. does that seem a lot? little? i'm thinking maybe it would be a good idea to go for a higher quote like £80 and see what they say as then if they odn't like it i haven't lost too much if it was only going to be £42 (pricing at £14 per hour) plus i can always lower my prices but not increase.


  • Posts: 362
Re: HELP NEEDED - First commercial clean possible
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2009, 12:48:36 am »
Hi, Diane is right, the 13.50 is for your basic products and labour, say you pay the cleaner 5.75, then holiday pay insurance, NI, management fee, cleaning products, training, profit, tell them what they are paying for.

Then your consumables will be on top (if they want them) of your 13.50 or what ever the going rate in your area.

For one a hour per day 3 hours per week you will not need to much product, looking at £2per week for cleaning products just a guess, as you must already have stock from your domestic side?

We aim to get the contract signed on the day, after the quote by using a bidmodel. £29.00 ajust the percentage so it reflects the above rate.



  • Posts: 362


  • Posts: 362


  • Posts: 275
Re: HELP NEEDED - First commercial clean possible
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2009, 11:31:51 pm »
Hi green

I'd go for a higher quote by saying you would recommend they have 1.5 hours per visit (i.e. 4.5 hours) @ £15 per hour = £67.50 per week.  That way you have room for negotiation on both how many hours and/or the hourly rate.  Hopefully, they'll only negotiate on one or the other so you'll not be cutting it too fine.  Or they might say yes to your recommendation!

Our breakeven on our commercial cleaning is on average £9.50 per hour if that helps but we do pay well above minimum wage (although less than for domestic and eot cleaning).  The materials costs are much lower with office cleaning than for domestic or eot too which also helps keep profits at the same level or higher than domestic.  Don't forget to factor in the cost of the equipment you will more than likely be leaving there for the duration unless you plan on moving it from one client to the next like with domestic.

I also agree with Andy at Applemaid, be visible to your client on how you have priced it.  That way, everyone is comfortable they are getting a good honest service and it makes it harder for them to negotiate if you've been open about costs, margins, etc.

Best of luck


Adam P

  • Posts: 1448
Re: HELP NEEDED - First commercial clean possible
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2009, 12:36:31 am »
we met with them today, well i say met, the person was late and had to cancel so we had to just give a figure to the receptionist and that was it, we said £45 and i felt really bad as we really wanted a good chat with the manager so we could go over how we have come to the price etc as reccomended. we were told it was a key job so whenever conventient for us to clean but after giving price turned out someone had to be there so making the time of clean either 8-9 or 5.30-6.30, no good for us either really, although do-able, for £15 per visit minus tax, driving time, petrol, other stuff, i don't think it'll be worth it in the end.

if they get back to us we were thinking of perhaps offering them a trial period so that we can also secrectly trial them and if it doesn't work out just end it after a month.

thanks for the help people.



  • Posts: 362
Re: HELP NEEDED - First commercial clean possible
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2009, 06:39:17 pm »
I tell you what we do is offer a free day but on signing contract this gets most people interested, we have even got money up front for the month / year by giving them a large discount for doing this, this also keeps your funds spot on..

As with us clients know what they are paying up front so this can be done.  ;D

Hope they get back to you.