I am just about to order some new business cards and I am wondering what info to put on them?
I try to use a large size card (10cm x 7cm), and put loads of info on it, so that its a bit like a mini flyer.
So far I have got:
Business Name and Established 1987
Carpet, Upholstery & oriental Rug Cleaning Specialists
Insured & Uniformed
No Shrinkage - Guaranteed
Spots, Stains & Odours Treated
Carpet & Fabric Anti - Stain Protection Available
Leather Suites Expertly Cleaned & Conditioned
Tel 9.00am to 9.00pm - 7 days
(Exact quotations can be given over the phone if you know the size of your carpet/ Rug)
Phone number and my address
It all actually fits on without looking cramped, in fact I have space left for some more.
Can you think of anything else that should be on it ?
PS This will be my domestic business card. I use a smaller and simpler card for business customers