customers coming out with stupid comments, e.g. one said her paint and decorator told her he pvc windows where oily, and I was getting the blame. She didn't want oil on her freshly painted sills. I said, we are in your kitchen so don't you think it is more likely your cooking.... no I don't cook that often. (What? I come by once a month and you think, uhhh) Of course I explained that I don't use anything that would cause that and her cooking was more probably.
Dont do my windows today, because I have guests, or the plumers in, I am getting new curtains up or anything like that when you only do there outsides and who or what's going on inside doesnt make a flippin bit of difference.
Some people are just thick, not nice but its true.
I was using an extension pole and one guy stopped and said, that's cheating stop being lazy and get your ladders off. There is no appropriate response other than f off you tw@t.