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  • Posts: 869
Re: Debt collection agencies
« Reply #20 on: March 16, 2009, 07:22:38 pm »
Wish I had it in me to just "move on" and forget it when someone trys to rip you off. It really does press all the wrong buttons for me. I had a bloke, prison officer too, who owed me £20 for about 8 months. His house was up for sale and he ignored every note/ letter i left him, regards paying it and he was never in or simply didnt answer the door when i knew he was there and i found out from a fellow wc that he,d done this to him, moved without settling up. I must have made about 15+ visits which is ridiculous really, cost me far more chasing it than just forgeting it, but I really cant just let it go. In the end I got his neighbour involved, she text me when he came home and i dropped everything and went straight round, blocked his car in with my van, and rang his doorbell for 10 mins solid without moving my finger till he sheepishly answered the door very embarrased. He paid me there and then, must have thought i was a right nutter.

Re: Debt collection agencies
« Reply #21 on: March 16, 2009, 07:31:26 pm »
Once when I was younger and more naive(if that's possible) some guy, promised me a cheque in the post, and moved house the following week.
It was £50, the only time anyone hasn't paid me, and it still annoys me to think of it, and it was 4 years ago.  >:(