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Peter Fogwill

  • Posts: 1415
Re: Professional Window Cleaner Magazine - Gone to Press!
« Reply #80 on: December 11, 2008, 01:27:43 pm »
Me sorry, I just noticed what was said and couldn't not respond.  Way out of order.

For anyone reading the topic my quote was supposed to have came from, you will see I was only trying to help with a little constructive criticism.



  • Posts: 174
Re: Professional Window Cleaner Magazine - Gone to Press!
« Reply #81 on: December 11, 2008, 02:15:05 pm »
I honestly thought the PWC mag was dead & buried. All my emails have been unanswered & the forum seems to be dead.

Re: Professional Window Cleaner Magazine - Gone to Press!
« Reply #82 on: December 11, 2008, 06:13:34 pm »
Why not just email Phil at Ionincs, his office is there


  • Posts: 174
Re: Professional Window Cleaner Magazine - Gone to Press!
« Reply #83 on: December 11, 2008, 07:10:59 pm »
I did do on numerous ocassions. I think I'm still owed another 12 issues of PWC that never came out. Yet bwca still sent me subscription notices & yet to see another issue. I know that they don't want bad publicity - they should have thought of that when they took my money.


  • Posts: 968
Re: Professional Window Cleaner Magazine - Gone to Press!
« Reply #84 on: December 11, 2008, 07:25:27 pm »
A good thought too G&M , so can we take it from the know but can't say comments that the publication, or the original concept no longer exists?

I thought the bit about the soul was funny Matt, but the kit is good and the money made is on a par, so it is a little bitter of us to be too critical.

 Two fella's on here had a go and even with lots of support from fellow posters were unable to put together even a mock issue, and managed to put off some potential advertisers before they had even started. So it is a very difficult thing to do.
As for advertisers who did we put off? If you are talking about Peter Fogwill then what actually happened was he said he wouldn't submit his products for review unless I would guarantee that the review   only contained the positive points about the product and that no mention of negative aspects of a product were mentioned. Thats his choice - maybe he lacks confidence in his products I don't know but to be honest I would never want to review a product with these restrictions in place anyway as I feel that would be  doing a dis-service to our readers. We don't want to do hatchet jobs on anyone but if there was a genuine shortcoming then we would like the option to mention it. Look at Alex Gardiner when he hears a bit of negative feedback does he throw his toys out of the pram? No, what he does is he looks at a problem/shortcoming and then tries to come up with improvements/solutions. This is how is should be IMO and thats the kind of people we want to work with, not people who are going to censor us. Anyway back to the magazine. An announcement will be made shortly regarding development news. This is a project that wont be rushed.  Don't write us off yet, I will agree with you about one thing. It's not as easy as you think  ;)       

WCE you said I said the following.

"he said he wouldn't submit his products for review unless I would guarantee that the review   only contained the positive points about the product and that no mention of negative aspects of a product were mentioned."

Could you post a link to where I said that please?  This will give you some practice because no doubt you will get a lot of this, with you being an editor of a magazine.

You hadn't put me off, but you certainly have now, typical of the press,  taking something and twisting it for your own ends.  What utter rubbish.  You can't go about quoting things that are not true, what message are you sending out to your prospective customers?  I know where my free copy will be going.


Right Peter, Lets get something clear What you have quoted me on, to be honest that was my take of it. You made it quite clear that you didn't want anyone writing reviews of your products unless you read them first and gave them the ok, then in my eyes you made it quite clear that if the reviewers opinion wasn't the same as yours then you wouldn't want the article published. Don't get me wrong no one in their right mind would want a review to be published that just said their product was total pants but you gave  me the impression that if you had a review which was 99% positive and 1% negative ten you wouldn't want it published because of the 1% negative. This is an example of the type of review I mean - it's taken from pro mobile magazine  (which is the mobile disco equivalent to what I am trying create (in case you are wondering what this has to do with anything I also run an entertainments agency) and one of their reviews about a new disco light : "...........The little plastic turn locks on the end of the brackets are also a little brittle and prone to cracking. I run 16 of these lights and 9 of them have cracked so I now have to use a spanner to lock the bars into position. This light is a budget product but when you take into consideration the stress and strain that these locking handles have on them this is something for the ADJ design team to reconsider when they release a refreshed model. Apart from this the product is excellent"  And that was a product from a company that sponsors the magazine.  The rest of the review was positive but in the reviewers eyes this part needed reworking. I ask my original question again would you let that review run?  I took it that you didn't want a review of your product that was along those lines, maybe I misunderstood. That was my point in my reply to discount.
Way out of order.

For anyone reading the topic my quote was supposed to have came from, you will see I was only trying to help with a little constructive criticism.


No one quoted you though! I just replied to discount and gave him my take on how I saw things. We want to write reviews simple as that. You think we want to do a hatchet  job or something and don't trust us. Therefore unless we let you approve the review it wouldn't get published - thats what you pretty much said wasn't it - The topic's here: read it back and tell me do you think that I was unfair in my conclusions?
I don't think I was HOWEVER!!!, on reflection after reading what I wrote, I can see that see that I should of worded what I  said a bit better and that maybe you would read it and take it the wrong way. For that I apologize and assure you that wasn't the intention. So sorry for any offence caused in that respect. Furthermore, I wish to point out to you that your input into the magazine was (and still is) much appreciated. It may not of come across this way but the advice that you gave regarding reviews was taken on board and has helped guide the magazine along it's journey. I do hope that you accept my apology and continue to contribute to the development of this magazine. Just to clarify we dont want to stitch anyone up and we wont be doing hatchet jobs on companies who submit their products for review - something I hope you will be part of  ;)
Finally on a personal note - It's good to see you back on the forum and getting back on your feet after the flood. My parents went through the same in the July 07 Floods so I know what the disruption etc is like It  takes a long time for things to return to normal and is difficult for anyone to go through. Glad to hear there is some light at the end of the tunnel ;)
Peter the last thing I will say is that I do feel that maybe we have misunderstood each other and got off on the wrong foot and that is not what I want! I do hope we can move on from this with a new understanding of each other and that i never meant you any offence.

Best wishes
WCE- For Windows that shine everytime!


  • Posts: 968
Re: Professional Window Cleaner Magazine - Gone to Press!
« Reply #85 on: December 11, 2008, 07:32:16 pm »
I did do on numerous ocassions. I think I'm still owed another 12 issues of PWC that never came out. Yet bwca still sent me subscription notices & yet to see another issue. I know that they don't want bad publicity - they should have thought of that when they took my money.
Karl I believe that you will find that PWC has become the mag of the BWCA and is now free. However I cant help you with the fact that you you never received the subscription issues as Phill has never answered that question however (on a personal note) I have noticed that people who originally subscribed to PWC seem to be amongst those who never get it however, those of us who who are on one companies mailing list get them anyway without asking ;D ;D ;) 
WCE- For Windows that shine everytime!


  • Posts: 174
Re: Professional Window Cleaner Magazine - Gone to Press!
« Reply #86 on: December 11, 2008, 07:47:26 pm »
The last one I had was issue 10, that was 2007. Have there been more since?


  • Posts: 968
Re: Professional Window Cleaner Magazine - Gone to Press!
« Reply #87 on: December 11, 2008, 07:55:19 pm »
The last one I had was issue 10, that was 2007. Have there been more since?
What was in it. The last one I had was a safety issue
WCE- For Windows that shine everytime!


  • Posts: 174
Re: Professional Window Cleaner Magazine - Gone to Press!
« Reply #88 on: December 11, 2008, 07:57:08 pm »
"Poles on trial" on wfp's.


  • Posts: 968
Re: Professional Window Cleaner Magazine - Gone to Press!
« Reply #89 on: December 11, 2008, 08:08:43 pm »
If it is the one I am thinking of there has been one since - the safety issue! That took ages to come along! Maybe now they are free they are reducing the frequency of the issues? I haven't seen one for about six months now!   
WCE- For Windows that shine everytime!

Re: Professional Window Cleaner Magazine - Gone to Press!
« Reply #90 on: December 11, 2008, 08:15:25 pm »
Any more news on pole dancer?

Re: Professional Window Cleaner Magazine - Gone to Press!
« Reply #91 on: December 11, 2008, 08:19:00 pm »
Did they not do a issue for Windex


  • Posts: 968
Re: Professional Window Cleaner Magazine - Gone to Press!
« Reply #92 on: December 11, 2008, 08:26:31 pm »
Any more news on pole dancer?
LOL Thats not what I meant but fuuny Though ;) ;D
WCE- For Windows that shine everytime!

Peter Fogwill

  • Posts: 1415
Re: Professional Window Cleaner Magazine - Gone to Press!
« Reply #93 on: December 11, 2008, 11:23:07 pm »
WCE apology accepted.

What I was trying to find out in the post you mentioned was how the review was carried out , who was carrying it out etc,  I only said I wouldn't be happy in the example I gave with a negative feedback when it was not warranted. 

Going back to that example of my pole and James. Supposing you were doing a review of my clamp-less pole and I knew from experience that it take a little getting used to as it is a completely new way of working.  I would stipulate that the pole would have to be used enough to get used to that way of working, that would be the only fair way in this instance to review the product.  It would be no use giving it to someone who is going to try it on a couple of windows and because it didn't stay up, because they didn't know how it worked, they put it down and gave a bad review.  Ideally if it was one of my products being review I would like to be there making sure that they knew what they were doing with it, or at least someone else was there who knew what they were doing.

BTW I have had people who have actually bought the pole and been on the phone telling me there is no clamps on it, and nothing to keep it up.



  • Posts: 968
Re: Professional Window Cleaner Magazine - Gone to Press!
« Reply #94 on: December 12, 2008, 08:53:46 am »
WCE apology accepted.

What I was trying to find out in the post you mentioned was how the review was carried out , who was carrying it out etc,  I only said I wouldn't be happy in the example I gave with a negative feedback when it was not warranted. 

Going back to that example of my pole and James. Supposing you were doing a review of my clamp-less pole and I knew from experience that it take a little getting used to as it is a completely new way of working.  I would stipulate that the pole would have to be used enough to get used to that way of working, that would be the only fair way in this instance to review the product.  It would be no use giving it to someone who is going to try it on a couple of windows and because it didn't stay up, because they didn't know how it worked, they put it down and gave a bad review.  Ideally if it was one of my products being review I would like to be there making sure that they knew what they were doing with it, or at least someone else was there who knew what they were doing.

BTW I have had people who have actually bought the pole and been on the phone telling me there is no clamps on it, and nothing to keep it up.


Thats Fair enough regarding the pole and makes sense to me If we were to review your pole and you said look this is a new concept it takes a bit of getting used to then we would be happy to follow your guidelines for the review after all who knows their products best? Now we have an understanding I look forward to working with you in the future.
As for people phoning you up about the lack of clamps on a clampless pole  - You just couldn't make it up lol ;)
WCE- For Windows that shine everytime!


Re: Professional Window Cleaner Magazine - Gone to Press!
« Reply #95 on: February 11, 2009, 11:48:28 am »
are rumours right that the next mag will include a " test " on hot water systems, afterall thats the next threat, when the lightweight poles came out, the next mag a review was done of poles with the exclusion of the lightweight poles as they were not fit for the purpose  ::) ::) ::)

can we see pictures of a L 5 blowing up in a van