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  • Posts: 189
Problem staff - what can you do?
« on: February 09, 2009, 04:44:50 pm »
I have been wrestling with the idea of taking somone on for a while now. Basically my question is this:

If say a member of staff after six months starts not doing there job properly...let's say they are not turning out the agreed amount of work and you get more complaints than you would like, how easy is it to get rid of them? And it did come to that, would it cost me anything other than stress?

I,m guessing some of you guys have contracts drawn up stateing what is required in terms of hours, time keeping, quality of work expected etc?

Ps. This weather sucks :(

Dean Taberner

  • Posts: 4164
Re: Problem staff - what can you do?
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2009, 05:19:36 pm »
Just dont pick them up again. :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Operations manager at J.V Price Ltd

jon adams

  • Posts: 124
Re: Problem staff - what can you do?
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2009, 05:28:33 pm »
Hi stuart,
               Though we know you can have various problems with staff it might be best to focus on the benefits they can bring, if you conc on the downsides already mayb employing someone is not for you. If you go ahead try to find out their behavour patterns in the interview because believe me they will repeat them. If you place an ad be prepared for a lot of calls. Good luck!


  • Posts: 189
Re: Problem staff - what can you do?
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2009, 06:16:33 pm »
I do want staff to expand my business, just trying to in fully prepared. My girl friends dad runs a company. He has one particular person who has started not pulling their weight and he's having difficulty getting rid of her...hence my question


  • Posts: 198
Re: Problem staff - what can you do?
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2009, 07:37:24 pm »
Good staff are very hard to come by.  All staff are very hard to get rid of. The law is on the side of the employee. Most accountants will advise never take on staff in a window cleaning business.  If you work yourself to the max and keep everything simple you should be far happier and financially better off than employing staff.  If you are prepared and can stand the stress, then four or more staff will start to repay your investment, but it is not an easy ride by any means.


  • Posts: 189
Re: Problem staff - what can you do?
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2009, 08:17:05 pm »
Thankyou for your advice.


Big Dave @ CWC

  • Posts: 95
Re: Problem staff - what can you do?
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2009, 10:38:38 pm »
correct me if im wrong but, if a worker isnt pulling their weight, all you need to do to keep within the law is give them a verbal warning, failing that, a written warning, still no change, then your within your right to sack them.

i recently started renting a round out,  included in the agreement i stated, if they lose customers, they must replace them, if they fail to do this they have to hand the round back and pay me the 6 months equivalent of losses of earnings for each custies they lose otherwise court action will be taken. unless the custies cancel the service due to reason other then the quality of service.

this should keep them on their toes, of course im still new to this and havnt yet had the experiance of them messing up on me..........