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Steve CM

Re: Bad weather pay for employees
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2009, 10:35:35 pm »
its just give and take ronnie. I always think to myself  "never ask someone do something you would never do yourself!" before telling or asking them to do something.

you have a business to run, they have family's to support. If they look after you then you look after them. and vice versa

if they don't work out. get rid and get someone that does

ronnie paton

  • Posts: 3245
Re: Bad weather pay for employees
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2009, 10:42:29 pm »
im kinda new to this employing but iv had about 4 and its not working well some times its to my fault and sometimes it crap employees but i want to get it right.

I feel if its some thing thats rare(losing days) then they have a day off and then if the work doesnt get done then they should help make it up??

i mean if they finish a hour here and there early then they should be flexible