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Brendan B

  • Posts: 46
Perfect heat machine
« on: January 07, 2009, 07:06:21 pm »

Just following on from my CFR 400 thread.....

I was considering either the cfr 400 or the perfect heat machine and to be honest I think im going to go for the perfect heat machine, but before i part with my hard earned dosh was just looking for some opinions on the machine.

From other threads I can see there is a good bit lot of scorpian users and was looking to get a few opinions on that as well, the difference in price between the perfect heat and the scorpion is only a couple hundred so what does that extra couple hundred get you over the perfect heat? what i can see is an extra vac and a bit more PSI but is there any thing else? I understand there is no heater with the scorpion so how much would one be for it and does it come with hoses, wand etc?


Joe H

Re: Perfect heat machine
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2009, 07:43:19 pm »
Best thing you can do Brenden is give Nick a ring at Solutions UK, check out if any bargains going on the Scorpion.  ;)

An advantage of the Scorpion is that not only has it got 3 vac motors but it also has 2" hoses.
I modified mine 12 months ago from 1.5" to 2" and the difference was VERY noticable - like the machine was breathing easier and therefore peformed better. 2" is now standard.

Means you also have 2" hoses for when you go to a TM. :)

I have also had the CFR 500 Perfect Heat - a good machine, recommend it, but prefer the Scorpion.

Seriously though, give Nick a ring.


  • Posts: 11382
Re: Perfect heat machine
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2009, 08:02:56 pm »
Plus and minus points for all machines

Scorpion will out suck any porti but needs 2 plugs and has no heat also detergent/chemicals froth up in it so you have to go onto zero foam products like MS and Mpower (before the balloon goes up I have been told this by 3 scorpion owners) and also very loud.

Perfect heat machine is hot but the pump is prone to leaks and the machine is heavy but the suck is as good as any 2 motored machine but nothing special.

You have to look at the way you are cleaning and what you are wanting from the machine and how much you want to pay.



  • Posts: 531
Re: Perfect heat machine
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2009, 08:55:46 pm »
brendan are you thinking of cfr 500 recycling machine with perfect heat or the power flite traditional (non recycling) machine with perfect heat?

Ive got both cfr 500 and 400 and as mentioned in previous post prefer the 400, no experiance with the power flite or scorpion

People say that money is not the key to happiness, but I always figured if you have enough money, you can have a key made!


  • Posts: 781
Re: Perfect heat machine
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2009, 09:35:36 pm »
I've had a Powr-flite perfect heat machine for nearly 2 years now.
coupled with a wonderwand, and Cfr handtool it is a very capable
machine. Mine has done a LOT of work, including 3 schools each
August, which is 10 days of solid slog.
In this time i've replaced 1 vacuum motor, which was ruined when
a pinprick leak in the perfect heat coils soaked it, the eccentric cam
on the water pump, (which has never leaked), and one of the thermostats
on the water heater. The vac' motor brushes are still within service limits.
The regulator on the water pump is not correct, as mine goes to 700 Psi
instead of 500, ( It's a 1000 Psi regulated down ).
I've thought about a Scorpion, but the lack of heat puts me off, and the
drying times on my machine can not be bettered by much. With the machine
and wonderwand combination, you can clean at maximum pressure, and on forward
strokes as well as back if you wish. So you can clean very quickley if you have to.
So as far as i'm concerned the only possible upgrade would be a truckmount.
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