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  • Posts: 158
How many leaflets for 2 Jobs
« on: January 05, 2009, 08:35:12 pm »
Tried putting out leaflets in the past without much success. I know there are quite a few threads on this site on this topic but I'd like to try a different tack rather than saying how many jobs come from x number of leaflets how many leaflets would you need to put out, I'm intending to deliver them myself rather than rely on anyone else, to get 2 jobs a month. I intend to use leaflets as only part of a marketing mix.

Any other thoughts on this topic would obviously be gratefully received.


Richard Cole

  • Posts: 783
Re: How many leaflets for 2 Jobs
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2009, 08:52:23 pm »
Hi Eddie

I'm currently researching this myself as I am looking to start up in about 2 months time.  From my research so far and marketing I have done in an unrelated industry using this method if you are delivering yourself you should expect a return of 0.25% - 0.40%, so on average 2 to 3 per thousand. However it also depends on where, when and how often you deliver. You will have a better response if you cover the same area on a regluar basis, say every 6 to 8 weeks.  You will also have a better return if you include some kind of offer.

You also need a good leaflet, try a google search for carpet cleaners leaflets you should come up with a search for DP printers, lots of samples on there that you can download to use for insperation.  Spoke to Mark there today, very helpful with advice etc.

Hope this helps.

former carpet cleaner, now retired!


  • Posts: 11382
Re: How many leaflets for 2 Jobs
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2009, 08:54:08 pm »
Averages are hard, if you charge £200 a carpet then you need to deliver loads more than if you charge £10 you will only need a few, depends on your conversion rate aswell.

Self delivery is the best way by far but also the most time consuming.



  • Posts: 1728
Re: How many leaflets for 2 Jobs
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2009, 09:05:56 pm »
Simple answer, initially 2,000 leaflets, per 2 jobs. As people will save a good leaflet for when they are in the market, numbers will increase with time.
Dave Lee, Owner of Deepclean Services
Chorley Lancs. Est 1980.
"Pay Cheap -You get Cheap - Pay a little more and get something Better."


  • Posts: 11382
Re: How many leaflets for 2 Jobs
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2009, 09:14:23 pm »
Self deliver should yield 2 per 1000 easy but as I have stated depends on what you are putting on it and what you are charging, if you charge half price in your area then you will get loads of calls!



  • Posts: 2589
Re: How many leaflets for 2 Jobs
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2009, 09:31:52 pm »
Should be 3 in a thousand, although you may get nothing one drop and more on another.  I did 1500 on Sat, not a call yet.  But people that have the carpets cleaned will put it to one side  :P  Had calls 9 months after delivering it..

Re: How many leaflets for 2 Jobs
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2009, 11:42:10 pm »
Whilst I think you have a few good ballparks there, the truth is, especially this time of year you could get nothing from 2k one week then get 3 jobs from 1k the next.

I was going to do some leafleting this afternoon but then I remembered last Jans results from leafleting. Decided off page SEO was much more productive, and warmer! ;D

Doctor Carpet (Ret'd)

  • Posts: 2024
Re: How many leaflets for 2 Jobs
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2009, 12:42:52 am »
I know I'm a longer established business which can make a difference but my only paid for advertising on an ongoing basis is my YP advertising which costs between £2500 and £3000 inc vat for a 1/6 of a page in knock-out black and white. It more than pays for itself but my problem is in ascertaining the cost of generating one brand-new customer as so often I may have been referred and they have simply looked in YP to find me.

I'm curious as to how much people actually spend on advertising a year as I read about the costs of printing x'000 leaflets at £x. Then there are direct delivery costs if you don't deliver them yourselves. Then the consensus seems to be that you will get between 2 and 3 jobs per thousand leaflets if averaged over a long period of time delivering to the right addresses on a regular basis.

In other words what is the spend on advertising to generate say £x of revenue generated. My advertising bill is less than 5% of revenue generated.

I'd be interested in the answers and thoughts that come in as this is simply a different way at looking at a perennial topic of discussion.
Diplomacy: the art of letting other people have your way


Re: How many leaflets for 2 Jobs
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2009, 09:07:04 am »
Doctor Carpet,

The fast trackers accept that it will cost anywhere from £45 to £65 per head to buy a custmer from leaflets maybe more. Using royal mail.

So you can see your average job will have to be £150 upwards at least.


Re: How many leaflets for 2 Jobs
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2009, 09:08:53 am »

My only advertising is now on and two web sites :)

I dropped out of y pages as you know last year.

I did some leaflets on derby road and in the apartments there and got 3 jobs for a hundred leaflets,but i know that isnt the norm so guess it was luck and also it was just before xmas.

Ian Gourlay

  • Posts: 5748
Re: How many leaflets for 2 Jobs
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2009, 09:40:19 am »

Yellow Pages is the Lazy way and Imglad it works for you.  If you only spend 5% with proactive Marketing  and a higher % spend you could fly.

But that is personal choice.

Over the years many of us have believed Leaflets are the answer.

The truth is its a costly excersise and as Mr Ashmore has said  you need £200  average  job.
This would be unlikley for a beginner

So what to do  If Marketing plan is based on leaflets  be causious.

Was reading a thread Yesterday about  these Cheapo leaflet operators  I woud like to know what tactics they use to increase job value once in house.

Not Myths but tactics used in UK market

The answer to the question is Leaflets are only one part of the Marketing Mix

Marketing absorbs a lot of time  and MONEY often without results.