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New round
« on: December 21, 2008, 10:19:48 am »
I've just bought and took over a new window cleaning round from a very good friend who has cleaned this round for the last 20 years. He cleaned it every 3 weeks by traditional methods.

I am totally WFP now and have been for 3 years.

Do I clean the new round by trad methods for a couple of months until they get used to me or just fire straight in there with WFP and hopefully not lose any?

Steve CM

Re: New round
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2008, 10:23:57 am »
start as you mean to go on. they will need to have the new method explained first as people won't understand how your cleaning them and you will lose a lot otherwise


  • Posts: 277
Re: New round
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2008, 10:37:45 am »
also dont forget to be sincere and assure them that your work is guareenteed on the rare occasion anythinhappens they need to feel they can tell you about a problem if they are not sure about you custy will bin you to avoi complaing with a silly excuse......... human nature
bad weather always looks worse through dirty windows

Ian Rochester

  • Posts: 2588
Re: New round
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2008, 10:41:54 am »

You have mail



East coast window cleaning Services

  • Posts: 1458
Re: New round
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2008, 11:54:34 am »
If Your wfp and you've bought a Tradditional round im sorry to say this you could be heading for troubled times. If you intend to pole them then i think your going to have to go straight in as you mean to go on and see what happens. Good luck
P&R Window Cleaning

Steve CM

Re: New round
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2008, 01:04:10 pm »
i have bought 2 trad rounds and the amount i lost i could count on one hand! would be interesting to know if anyone else has had any issues with work they've bought

Re: New round
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2008, 01:24:16 pm »
Just do a small advice letter post it through explaining the safety benefits, advanced cleaning benefits and also that fact your are no longer able to peer into their bedrooms.. always a winner ;)


  • Posts: 335
Re: New round
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2008, 01:35:40 pm »
   bought a trad round 3 months ago cleaned them all twice now wfp
   not a single complaint several have commented how clean their windows are
   every customer got a flyer explaining the system
   one lady says i am the best window cleaner she has ever had  
   only one has canceled sed i was to deer but she was only paying
   £9 for a 4 bed detached loads of windows inc 4 velux 3sets patio doors
   their all happy got xmas tips quite expected to loose more than that
   it worked for me changing straight over

Ian Rochester

  • Posts: 2588
Re: New round
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2008, 02:41:33 pm »
This is a copy of the letter we send to all our houses that are converted to WFP

Dear Valued Customer,

Due to recently introduced Health & Safety legislation (European Work at Height Regulations 2005) regarding the use of ladders for cleaning and access, we are now starting to use a PURE WATER POLE CLEANING SYSTEM to clean some, if not all of your windows.

How does it work?
The Pure Water System incorporates a 5 stage water purification process that removes all impurities from the water including particulates, chlorines and carbons, this Pure Water is then stored in a large tanked fitted to the vehicle. When required, the water is pumped from the tank through pipe-work to a jetted brush head on the end of a pole.  The windows, frames and sills are then jetted, washed and brushed to remove all dirt.  The final stage of the process is where the brush is lifted away from the window, the window is spray rinsed with Pure Water and left to dry naturally.

The Advantages
•   Safety, no ladders to fall off!
•   Privacy
•   Environmentally friendly, no detergents are required
•   Frames can be cleaned along with the glass
•   Previously inaccessible windows can now be cleaned safely
•   We can now also clean conservatory roofs, fascias, etc
•   Windows can be cleaned in almost all weather conditions
•   Because there is no detergent residue, windows stay cleaner longer

The changes you will notice
•   The windows will be left wet, but they will dry streak and smear free
•   For the first one or two times you may see small white spots on your windows, this is detergent residue from previous cleans

I appreciate that this is a big change, but we have been using this system on all our commercial cleaning and some domestic cleaning for several years now and the feedback and results have been excellent.

We guarantee a quality service every time.  If you have any concerns please feel free to call me on 01665 713448 or catch us whilst we are cleaning.

Ian Rochester
Lionheart Cleaning Services
01665 713448


Re: New round
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2008, 04:23:02 pm »
maybe do tops wfp, bottoms trad, but you probably are just putting off the change over really, just do it and be really sincere with custys and promise to do them mint, and cal back on any probs, but be firm that you only do wfp - for your safety etc, and i dont think you will lose too many ....