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  • Posts: 378
£20 per hour
« on: November 28, 2008, 01:50:02 pm »
Not really to do with carpet cleaning but just came across this on MSN homepage, its shocked me how I get a little dissapointed these days if I only profit £20.00 per hour after looking at this.

Hope the link works!


  • Posts: 4250
Re: £20 per hour
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2008, 04:43:45 pm »
It does.
Thought some of those jobs were on a higher pay scale that.

Impossible done straight away, miracles can take a little longer.


  • Posts: 161
Re: £20 per hour
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2008, 04:49:23 pm »
I did too... especially with the amount solicitors charge   ???

derek west

Re: £20 per hour
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2008, 05:22:24 pm »
good tip when using a solicitor, keep all letters you recieve and make copies of letters you send, same with emails, print them out, then check them against you bill. robbin numptys. tried to charge me for an email that said, "ok thank you very much for the reply" cheeky beep beep beep beep beeep. you get the picture.


Re: £20 per hour
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2008, 05:23:31 pm »
Thought the same as well ::)

carlton care

  • Posts: 429
Re: £20 per hour
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2008, 05:34:46 pm »
Don't how they arive at an average of £31k when all of the jobs listed are actually at the higher end of the earnings tables and all are around £31k.

Average earningd a couple of years ago was listed at around £24k.

Doug Holloway

  • Posts: 3917
Re: £20 per hour
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2008, 05:37:17 pm »
Hi guys

All the solicitors I know earn way more, I think these figures must include clerks who glorify their titles.



carlton care

  • Posts: 429
Re: £20 per hour
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2008, 05:50:30 pm »
Think the rates quoted are the kind of rates local authorities would pay their staff I reckon any solicitor in a private practice is likely to earn 3 maybe 4 times as much.


  • Posts: 378
Re: £20 per hour
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2008, 06:54:33 pm »
My brother (used to be a carpet cleaner) has just landed himself a £42000 job in the water industry with a 3 series BMW all costs paid and mobile phone with no limitations, when I left the army he got me a job in the water industry and I watched him bluff his way from the very bottom through the ranks, he stopped for 3 years to carpet clean but got married so went back into water for a steady wage. He has minimal GCSEs but can bluff an interview, and if he gets offered the job he learns the relevant computer programmes etc he has briefly researched for the interview. I just make this point as I can imagine the years of education people need to get the jobs in the link I posted but the succesful people I know, have worked from nothing up. I personally left school at 15 to join the army at 16 and have no qualifications (apart from open university, which have no relevance to my situation) but my sister worked extremely hard for years to become a teacher, yet my brother and I both earn more than her, in my case by just buying a van, a ninja and going on a course!!