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from edge2edge

  • Posts: 1507
Different method different price
« on: October 21, 2008, 08:57:32 pm »
Just wondered guys/gals if any of you with more than one method of carpet cleaning ever gave the customer the option of which one they chose . eg. hwe your semi 3 bed for £100 or texatherm it for £90.If so how do you put this across to the client and do you get a good return from it.Any thoughts much appreciated Alan(swindon)

Gary Webber

  • Posts: 252
Re: Different method different price
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2008, 07:24:02 pm »
Alan, The idea of more tham one system is to be able to clean a range of carpets in different ways. Offering price differences will start doubt in the clients mind as to why one is "cheaper" than the other. Now I have the Texatherm EMV,  it makes the choice easier as the machine will carry out extraction as well as the Texatherm process!


Re: Different method different price
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2008, 08:22:33 am »

hows your water usage going? My doubts with this machine was that it would get though water very fast? I do like it and am very interested in getting one next time around. would be nice to hear your thoughts.

Apart from the water issue , If there is one? its the most advanced portable on the market.


Ian Harper

Gary Webber

  • Posts: 252
Re: Different method different price
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2008, 09:24:38 pm »
Hi Ian,

my initial thoughts exactly! The performance though proves otherwise. Because of the flow to pressure ratios, the variable speed pump and the open bore hose gear means it will deliver phenominal pressure rates if you need them. The fact is the performance is SO GOOD that cleaning can be carried out with one wand pass. Copled with the air flow, once you complete this with a dry pass I have been achieving dry times of hour and a half to two hours dry times.

I previously had a NINJA, but this will leave it for dead!




Re: Different method different price
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2008, 10:06:49 pm »

How are you geting on with your new set up ???

Gary Webber

  • Posts: 252
Re: Different method different price
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2008, 08:16:49 am »
Hi Clinton,

Chuffed to bits with it. Performance wise with the airflow and pump setup I am achieving faster drying times and work rate times than ever! One of the local carpet cleaners I have been with said performance wise it is close to his truckmount, so it gives you an idea.

There are so man good features that it would be hard to explain why I rave on this machine. I would expect it to do extrremely well once people understand what it is, what it does and why its different.

Go to work with a smile on my face, usual customer reaction, "wow looks like something off of Star Trek"




Re: Different method different price
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2008, 09:09:18 am »
thanks Gary.

I will have a second look at it when i in the market next time round. You right it looks and has to be to most up to date HWE on the market. its a different way at looking at things. have you got the new ringer yet? they said it was to follow? if not when you use it with the tex how do you wring out?

I did a big shop in southend the other day. really old carpet, used my tex and it looked like new in a really fast time. these Tm guys would have never been able to keep up.  :)

My advise about the different price would be only ever talk about method to a prospect if they ask about drying times. your the pro you pick the tool for the job.

We have different prices (packages) our difference are about them vacing and stain removal. both take time so this is reflected in the price. spots are free stains take time and sometimes can use lots of product.

Where about are you based I would love to come out with you to see how the machine works. any chance?


ian harper

clive ware

  • Posts: 540
Re: Different method different price
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2008, 01:20:12 am »
It would be nice to have a look on it on their website but its still the same old website thats not been changed for years. :-\


Re: Different method different price
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2008, 08:44:18 am »

Do you think its better than the scorpian portie ???

Was just thinking the same as wht doesnt mark put the machine on there web site or even update it ???

Where can we see the new tex portie ???

cheers clinton

Joe H

Re: Different method different price
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2008, 09:24:15 am »
Used to have the Texatherm system.

I too find it peculiar they dont update their website to flaunt new products.

They could even mail existing and past customers - maybe they have but missed me out :(

Gary Webber

  • Posts: 252
Re: Different method different price
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2008, 03:55:59 pm »
Sorry for the late replys guys, been on a well earned rest!

In response to your pointers on the website, yes Mark is on the case, but has been busy with orders etc so there has been a delay. Secondly if anyone would like to see it in operation I am based in Bristol and would be happy to let you have a go etc

If you would like to see the EMV, sk Mark for a brochure!

