Hi all,hope you are keeping warm,its so cold outside,need help on employing new staff.I have been working for myself now for 2 years,just took on 2 new staff,man 1,was paying him a daily rate of pay,but after a few weeks,found out he was claiming to many handouts,sign in on,and housing money.I was not happy about that,and also he was always sick,because of the handout he was getting he did not need a fall weeks work.man 2 im training up,but im losing money,because its talking a long time to train him.Do other window cleaners pay a daily rate,and how much?or do u pay a % rate,and how much.I need to find new staff who can clean winows good,and not staff who leave runs,and miss windows out,because i m the one who gets the comeback.How can u trust staff to clean when u go away on hols,leave men on the job,doing their own round,i fill its took me years to make a good round,and would hate to see someone come along and start to lose my business.