regarding all the posts and questions i have received about the national academy of crime scene cleaning:
Hi, you guys must all be wondering if the course is worth it, and i dont blame you. times are tough and you need to spend cash wisely.
please let me explain what will happen on the course, and if any of you want to call me please do so on 01239 621821.
basically i have been in the crime scene cleaning industry for over 8 years now, and get inundated with people asking how to get into the business, I have wanted to form this academy for ages, and heve finaly launched it. The NACSC is becoming known with police, housing associations and councils throughout the UK every day, i have a team of staff calling, intrducing and meeting with the public sector 5 days a week and our aim is to have the academy recognised as an official platform supplying officialy trained operatives by January 2009.
the training will consist of products, techniques, and control of eveything associated with a crime scene. i am also offeing to have an experienced crime scene cleaner attend your first job if you require to help you. i have arranged for training in Insect control, as there are always flies, larve and pupe at decompostion sites (this is a registered course and you will be recognised as a pest control officer in the eradication of insects) there will be specific training on deodorising, basic training on floor removal as this has to happen in decompostions, names and numbers of people to help you, insurance specialists who know the risks, generic risk assesments and method statements. but most importantly i feel is how to pick up business, how to advertise, who to contact in each authority. I will also be forwarding any work in your area to you, currently we travel all over the UK and i will stop this and pass work on. I personally have attended courses where ofal was poured on a desk and i was asked to clean it up...... its nothing like that in the real life. I assure you that I in no way want to defraud you or put on a course of no benefit to you.
please conatct me if you have any questions.
Ben Giles