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Do you keep customers who need ringing /texting the night before?

I have customers who I ring the night before
I have customers who I text the night before
I  ring and text customers.
I don't bother with those cussies... sack 'em!
Phone, what's that?


Re: Ringing or texting...
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2008, 02:58:29 pm »
I hold the gate keys to about five of my small residential accounts, so I don't have to phone these to let me in.

But I do phone a small number of £35 plus accounts that I have (the biggest being a nice £90 job), to let them know I'm comming.

All I say is, 'Hi Mrs Smith*, I'm just tipping my hat to let you know I'm comming to clean your windows tomorrow'.

I've had no problems with this; unless they say they want the insides done too and they're currently in France (which has happened) and if they say they'll be out, I ask them to leave my payment under an object on their doorstep.

I wouldn't do it for a small account though.

*I don't call them all Mrs Smith; it depends on what their name is as to what I call them.