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kinder clean

  • Posts: 603
What approach works best for getting commercial customers
« on: August 05, 2008, 06:37:48 pm »
Can anyone advise what approach works best for you when going for commercial work. Think back to when you started out - so not counting recomendations, obviously thats where I want the work to come from in the future.

Do you think I'd be better spending a day telephoning the business beforehand and getting a contact name on there first ?

I was thinking of an A4 typed intro letter (see attached) with a business card attached and hitting the industrial estates / shops / showrooms etc.
I have personalised the letters, changing the wording slightly for each business type ( for example Nursing home emphasisng fast drying, stain & odour treatments out of hours service etc) but this letter is aimed at general office type companies.

Do you think a professional flyer would work better than an intro letter? Below is the std letter I was thinking of putting out

Dear Sir / Madam

Please take a moment to read this short introduction letter to our company.

Kinder Clean are a non franchise, local, family owned carpet & upholstery cleaning business, offering professional commercial carpet & upholstery cleaning services.

We can offer your business a reliable, personal, efficient way of maintenance cleaning at very competitive prices.

Our carpet & upholstery cleaning services offer:

Fast drying times
Odour removal
Stain removal
Tailored maintenance schedules
Out of hours service when necessary
24 hour call out service for emergency cleaning
Excellent cleaning results using the best equipment available
Competitive pricing
Kind, courteous & fully trained staff
Reliable, punctual service
All our staff wear smart uniforms, carry photographic identification and arrive in a clean sign written vehicle
We maintain full commercial insurance including public liability and all risk insurance

We take great pride in the services we offer and always work closely with our clients to offer a professional  service tailored to suit your needs.

So if your looking for a specialist carpet & upholstery cleaning company or your not happy with the service your currently receiving please give us a call, we will be happy to discuss your requirements.

I hope we can be of assistance and I look forward to answering any questions you may have.

Please keep our details on file for future reference.

Yours sincerely



Re: What approach works best for getting commercial customers
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2008, 07:13:05 pm »
Using a different approach according to business type is advisable, even if it's only a very smnall change in the text.  Understand the needs of your customers too.  There is no "out of hours" in nursing care, the residents live there 24/7!  The best time to clean is daytime hours, after breakfast and before tea.

Be careful about promising odour "removal", odour "control" is more appropriate in nursing homes.  Try getting the smell of urine out of your machine and hoses after cleaning the carpets and you'll understand why!  Emphasise the health aspects for these customers, as well as maintenance cleaning making carpets last longer to minimise the upheaval involved in replacement.

Yes, you need a name, don't put Sir/Madam cos it'll get binned straight away.  Don't address to "the manager" or anything other than a person you know the name of.  It's generally accepted that telephoning a list of prospects is the first way to make contact, as you cut out wasted time and effort sending letters to nameless people or those who wouldn't be interested.

I wouldn't waste my time and money sending flyers to commercial customers, they won't reach in and touch the right person.  You need a personal contact in my opinion.

No offence meant, but your letter isn't very engaging and doesn't come across as if a lively, interested person has written it.  It's very generic and just lists lots of features.  "Features tell, benefits sell" is a commonly used saying in marketing.  Tell them what they're going to get out of it and why only you can give it to them.

Our powerful equipment removes much more moisture from the carpets than conventional equipment, resulting in very fast drying times - typically under one hour.  This means that rooms can be used again very soon after cleaning, causing minimum disruption to your staff and residents.

See how that's much more of a sales tool than a bullet point that says "Fast Drying" ?

I can thoroughly recommend this book, which is very simple to understand, and relays some of the basic marketing principles without complicated BS:

kinder clean

  • Posts: 603
Re: What approach works best for getting commercial customers
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2008, 07:28:28 pm »

Thanks for that Jim


derek west

Re: What approach works best for getting commercial customers
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2008, 08:52:34 pm »
we will be sending new commercial clients a portfolio, A4 cardboard outer with business card holder and then inserts with how we clean, case studys, machinery photo's and descriptions, before and after and a list of benefits including emergency flood water removal.
addressed to the person in question and then followed up with a coutesy call. i'll let you know how we get on.

Len Gribble

  • Posts: 5106
Re: What approach works best for getting commercial customers
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2008, 08:54:54 pm »
You’re in for a hard slog most are covered by there cleaning company, but not un-crackable, pick and choose what you like about Jim’s reply then target a company give them a call, giving demo is also beneficial ask the potential customer what wasn’t you happy about the last clean then exceed it, don’t forget your price that can be a stumbling block.


There is no "out of hours" in nursing care, but there is and it cuts down the trip hazards and wheel chair ramps  8)

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other. (Sidcup Kent)

Len Gribble

  • Posts: 5106
Re: What approach works best for getting commercial customers
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2008, 08:25:16 pm »
Yes but can I still cleaning the carpets/upholstery while it’s doing the business.

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other. (Sidcup Kent)

Reno's Carpet Care

  • Posts: 19
Re: What approach works best for getting commercial customers
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2008, 06:58:06 pm »
Fuel being expensive makes me call first, mail out only on those who make appointments for a face-to-face.  First call is to find out who the point-of-contact is.  I follow it up in a week or so, asking for that person.  Never leave a message.  I just say, never mind I will call back later.  Calling at different times on different weekly days increases the chances of finally connecting with the decision maker.

But that is me, to each their own.
Member Very Low Moisture Carpet Cleaners Association


  • Posts: 1120
Re: What approach works best for getting commercial customers
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2008, 10:12:32 pm »
I got a lot of very profitable intros by targeting office cleaning companies.
Several very lucrative contracts came that way, plus one offs.

As they pick up new work so it comes in to me. Just got a 3 monthly job and another monthly both from the same cleaner, and I'm trying to slow down!! Still it helps supplement the pension our Gordon pinched.

God must love stupid people---He made so many.


Re: What approach works best for getting commercial customers
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2008, 07:41:27 am »
Reno had a lok at your site :)

Do you do just do bonneting?

Nice site.

Paul any headway with your commercial work as yet?

kinder clean

  • Posts: 603
Re: What approach works best for getting commercial customers
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2008, 03:19:49 pm »
Picked a copy of that marketing book up Jim, 1p on Amazon  (+ 2.75 post) makes an interesting read

cheers Paul