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Paul Davidson

  • Posts: 135
Training course on Thursday / Friday
« on: August 05, 2008, 09:37:50 pm »
Hello guys, i have been really busy with allsorts this last week or so, and am glad to see things have calmed down in here since the problems over the last couple of weeks.  :)

I am booked on (along with Chris, my daughters partner and new employee), and now looking forward to the Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning course at Cleansmart with Derek Bolton on Thursday/Friday this week. 

It will be good to get a refresher course as its over 20 years since i did any training and nearly as long since i did any serious Carpet Cleaning.

Leaflets and uniforms have been picked today and the van is being signed tomorrow, so after training this week its time to get stuck in and make things a little busier (he says hopefully)

I will let you know how the door knocking goes (tomorrow) and the training course on thursday / friday.



PS any one going on this course?? as it would be nice to say hello!


Re: Training course on Thursday / Friday
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2008, 09:58:14 pm »
Good luck paul :)

Sounds like your starting as you mean to carry on all v professional.

Let us know how you get on.. cheers